The conjuring 2

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Basically y/n warren has the vision of Ed's death instead of Lorraine;))

Y/n pov-
"Are u sure you want to do this darling?" Lorraine asked in a sweet voice while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear
"Yes mom, you don't need to worry about me all the time" "that what moms are for" she quickly hugged me and kissed my head gently

We all sat down and my father started speaking to everyone "okay let's start" everyone watched as drew shut the blinds hiding any excessive light to fade in

My mother processed to start instructing everyone what to do, while I was there be blunt shitting myself I've only ever done this a couple times and they were horrific, But you gonna do what you gonna do I guess.

"I'd like you to sit quietly and close your eyes" everyone followed my mothers instructions as my breath staggered " envisions your self in a halo of glowing white light, it will protect you" I watched everyone doing as my mother told and began what I needed to, closing my eyes and wondered why did I have to inherit my mothers gift again? Before I fully began.

A loud gun shot pulsed through the room making me open my blue eyes for the world, I stood up from my chair and let my body move on its own the only noise heard was my heart thumping In fear.

Whispers racketed up the stairs as my body turned and followed them, looking around the door creaked loudly and I felt my body enter. The feeling of being unable to scream took hold of me but no emotion could arise out.

"What did you do? what did you do?" My hands moved into a gun like motion and  watched as the women fell back into her once comfort spot.

My body rounded the corner and headed towards another foot belonging to two young boys around 5 and 8 again my hands moved into a gun like motion and killed the innocent.

Heading towards the next room and again killed a young girl who could be no more than 16, I suddenly felt full control over my body and gasped at the site

I could hear my dads voice echoing around me but he wasn't to be seen "honey what do you see?" I staggered back towards the wall sliding down my breath quickening.

I then caught a glimpse of a young boy peeing out of the door way, running after the boy who left faster than could be seen I saw the table where my mother and father sat, words filled my brain as they both panicked over me "y/n?" "Y/n" "y/n WHATS happening?" "Talk to me y/n"

"I have to see it" I spoke "we're through, we're through, it's time to come back" "y/n come back now sweetheart" the door, the boy once went through creaked open and he stood there beckoning me towards him.

"What Is happeni-" laughter of the young boy cut My fathers sentence off and I started trudging through the door way after him

"It wants to show me"

I followed the boy down into a basement of sort filled with old stuff

(I'm watching it rn the scene and the kid laughters getting in my nerves ngl)

I jumped as the kid giggled running from his once hiding spot, I searched after him and he wasn't anywhere in sight. I went around in a circle and Turing back stood the family that was once alive. There glowing whit eyes stood out in the darkness, as there head turned right I slowly turned to see what they were looking at.

And found a covered up mirror of sort, confused slightly I went back to the family but they were no where to be seen

I slowly walked over to it ripping off the cover as dust flew around to only find something peering behind me in the mirrors view

I quickly turned Around but nothing was present again looking back at the mirror and there stood the person but much closer, I whipped around so fast I could've got whiplash to be honest but nobody was there, my heart thudded and I turned back to the mirror and there stood a frail nun with yellow eyes.

She gasped at my neck and pushed me towards the Beacon behind me, but only to find my own hands there.

As I looked up chairs stacked up flew down and my father stood there and a stake flew into him. killing him in one.

I screamed, the image of my father being killed haunting me

Still screaming for dear life as my mother and father shook my out of my trance

My mother pulled me into a tight hug 
I sobbed into my mothers shoulder as my dad rubbed my back soothingly

"It's okay"

"Mom, dad this is as close to hell as I ever wanna get" they both looked at me with love and my father pulled me to his chest calming me down completely.

I hope you guys enjoyed, I might start updating more if you guys want:))
Give me ideas and I'll write them asap

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