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Basically y/n is 4 and asks her parents about there job:))

(Y/n pov)
i snuck around the corner of the wall just enough to hide my small body as my parents walked through the door will a doll in there hands. Why would mommy have a doll? Maybe it was for me? I quickly jumped out of my hiding spot and ran up to them.

"MOMMY, DADDY"  "y/n, what are you doing awake sweetie, it's way past your bedtime missy" my dad said tickling me

"I wanted to wait for you guys, I've missed you" "well we've missed you to Munchkin" "hehe, who's that mommy?" Pointing to the doll "baby that's nothing to concern you" "can I play with her?" "no no baby, this isn't a toy, it's much more precious, Ed hunny can you sort this out?" *hands him Annabelle*

"Come on missy bedtime" "okay" I grab my moms hand and trail up the stairs towards my bedroom.

"Mommy?" "Yes darling?" My mom starts tucking me into bed before I carry on "what do you and daddy do as a job? At school miss Hannigan asked everyone but I didn't know" "hunny I'm not sure if you old enough to understand just yet.." "please mommy, I'm nearly 5" "well I guess you are aren't you" she started tickling me before speaking

"you know when you have a bad dream? And there's a monster?" "Yes" "well your father and I hunt them, we take the badness and leave goodness" "you protect people?" "Yes, I'd do what ever necessary" "will you protect me?" "Always baby, now sleep"

"Everything okay up here?" "DADDY" I screeched while jumping up into my fathers arms "great I was just getting her to settle" "sorry hun" "come on back under the covers"

"Goodnight my love" "night mommy, night daddy" "night sugarplum" soon enough I was fast asleep.

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