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request by @hiddlest0nsfeet like last October but I'm lazy so better late than never I guess:))Also I cba to watch the movie to see the lines and stuff so I'm making shit up soz🕺🏼

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request by @hiddlest0nsfeet like last October but I'm lazy so better late than never I guess:))
Also I cba to watch the movie to see the lines and stuff so I'm making shit up soz🕺🏼

Y/n pov~
I was on my way to the store with my parents when I saw a coin on the floor. I bent down and grabbed it turning towards my mother but she wasn't there, I started Shouting her name as loud of I could but she wasn't around. I panicked while frantically searching around the store, i stared crying and ran out the store heading down the street to the wooded area.

I'd been walking for a while now but I was too scared to turn back, I think I live around here somewhere..or was it back that way, oh wait maybe it was over there..no it was definitely this way..right? My heart sunk and I began running towards a house that looked like mine. But as I banged on the door it swung open..this wasn't my home.

I walked inside hoping someone could help me but it was empty..or so I thought.

I stumbled into the living room abs sat down on the hard wood. I thought I saw something out the corner of my eye, but maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me.

But then he re appeared.

"Hi I'm Rory" a boy around my age spoke
"Hi I'm y/n, where are your parents?"
"Ummm I don't wanna talk about it..wanna go play?" "Yeah sure hehe" he grabbed my hand and we both ran off up stairs.

(3 months later)

Rory and I are best friends, I miss my parents but I'm so happy to have Rory, his mom scares me though but she gets me food and we have a little hiding spot behind the wardrobe so I think I'm safe.

I was heading down stairs to grab a glass of water when a family of 7 piled in, I quickly sprinted into the the bedroom and Rory opened the wardrobe for me slamming it shut, maybe a little too loud.

"Hun, are you sure you heard something?, there's nothing up here" "maybe I'm just tried"

I spent several weeks watching the family get haunted but I was too scared to to help them, Rory intintroduced me to a girl called April, she's super kind and we Became good friends.

Rory brings me food and water still, occasionally April. It pretty's cramped inside the wardrobes hiding spot but I am only 6 so I'm pretty small.

It's been nearly a month In here and nobody's found me until now.

Rory opened the wardrobe and dropped a sleeping Cindy off and telling me not to make a sounds before running off.

I heard Rustling around the room outside and somebody asking about getting a uv light..I think it's Ed the guy Rory told me about, my dad was called Ed..the guy kind of sounded like him actually but I doubt it's him.

He guys started opening the wardrobe and my heart stopped and I crawled into a ball so I couldn't be seen.

He grabbed Cindy shutting the doors, I thought I was safe but then a women stepped in so I threw a blanket over me and lucky enough she didn't see me. But she fell through the floor screaming in fear. My heart dropped she sounded like my mom but again it couldn't be.

It's been a few hours since Rory came by and I'm kind of worried about him, all I've heard for the last few hours is screaming.

It scared me.

I climbed out the wardrobe and sped down to the basement, towards another hiding spot Rory told me about. As I ran by a man started screaming like a girl.

"Ahhhhhh what the fuck, someone ran past me like a child or something it definitely wasn't April fuck no, I'm gonna quit soon"
"Right yeah sorry" there words muffled as I
i reached the wall and crawled under, I reached around the kitchen and crawled into a ball.

I hasn't realised April was also down here and pulled me into a hug.

"April, are you okay?" "I'm good, you?" "Im good..I think" we held eachother close as the guy April called drew found us. "April? Omg April..wait who's with you? YOUR THE PERSON WHO RAN PAST ME!..Sorry umm hi" "Hi.." "who are you sweetheart?" "Im y/n" "hi y/n im drew how long you been here?" "Around 4 months, I've been hiding" "why that?" "I lost my parents while shopping a while ago and Rory found me" "right yeah okay well I'll get you guys help okay?" "Okay" "Kay" April and I said at the same time.

"I FOUND APRIL UNDER THE KITCHEN" I heard a lot more banging before April mother carol came rushing in and grabbed me, but before she could do anything the Ed guy grabbed her and shouted stuff in Latin, I closed my eyes and held April in a hug.

After it was all over we released from the hug and got out.

"So y/n do you wanna meet Ed and Lorraine? They will help find you parents." Drew said pulling me to the side "Yeah sure, my parents names were Ed and Lorraine" I said giggling. "We'll follow me" I started walking after him and looked up at the people he took me to.

I heart dropped those were my parents.  "Mom? Dad?" They both turned around and saw me, tears threatens to spill from my eyes. They both raced over and pulled me into an embrace. "Omg y/n sweetheart, you okay" "we've missed you so much" "we spent so long looking for you" "your never leaving our side AGAIN" "I'm sorry, I just wanted the Penny" I said in a sweet voice and my mom cried pulling me to her chest.

"I knew your name sounded familiar" I looked up a drew giggling.

"CAN WE GO SEE JUDY?" "Yes come on let's get you home and bathed, you stink" my dad told me holding his nose, I gasped jokingly "I do not stink daddy" I said faking a angry face. Lorraine giggled picking me up and swinging me in her arms while leaving a kiss on my forehead.

As they packed away I started saying goodbye to April and Rory and buckled myself inside of the car.

I cant wait to see my sister again

(can someone recommend the conjuring fan fics please? I cannot find any, I think I've read them all lmao)
also do you want a admin revel like I'll show what I look like ect:))))))
Hope you enjoy x

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