Y/n gets hurt

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(Authors notes)
So this is the conjuring 3 times and y/n is helping with David's case at the start (just wanna state David is play by Julian Hilliard he plays billy in wandavision hehehe) also ed doesn't have his heart attack, anyways.. read if u like:)

(Y/n pov)
Arne just put David to bed and I started making some tea for Lorraine, Ed and I. "Here you go" "thanks darlin" Lorraine replied softly as ed smiled. I felt a cold presence and then a massive bang sounded through the house.

We all looked at each other before bolting towards David's room. "DAVID ARE U OKAY" we all shout, the door opening wide. I saw David crouched down on his dad walked towards him and he suddenly started screaming and running towards him with scissors. Stabbing him in the thigh.

I quickly jump into action and grab David off him, chucking the scissors out of reach.

*This kids strong what the fuck* I thought to myself. We all ran down the stairs David clawing the wall leaving scratch marks.

We restrain him on the table, father started reading from the bible after a minute everything went silent. We all shared glances of fear before plates flew out the cupboard. 2 headed towards father 1 knocking him out the other shattering sending the glass shards onto me.

I feel the warm liquid drip down my head, Lorraine tried to help me as Ed helped father. I calmed Lorraine down telling her I was fine and getting Ed to finish it off.

Suddenly David jumped on speaking in a horrific voice "ill stop your heart pretty girl"

I struggled to breath, watching Arne shout "take me. TAKE ME" "Arne no" I felt Lorraine and Ed hover around me, my throat closing up. Lorraine stroked my hair as Ed called 911 (sounds weird saying that cause im British so its 999 for us) I saw arnes pail face before everything went dark.

(Lorraines pov)
I felt like my daughter had been taken away from me, even if she wasn't my real daughter she will always be my baby girl. I sat on the chair waiting for news as my whole word falling apart. Ed held me close, trying to hold in his own tears for me.

"Are you hear for y/n l/n?"
"yes, umm yes we are"
"She had a heart attack, a very big one"
"But she's so young.."
"We are doing more test but, with her being so young her body was much healthy so that enabled her to not be as effected, she will be on bed rest for a few days so we can keep an eye on her vitals. But if everything goes soothly she should be out soon."
"Thank you so much, can we see her?"
"Yes follow me, she isn't awake at the moment. Could be some time but the longer she sleeps the better, it means her body's getting its rest and healing"

(Random pov)
They both ran into the room sitting by her bed. After a couple of days, ed was grabbing some coffee for Lorraine and himself.

Lorraine was asleep when she heard coughing, looking up to see y/n there finally awake.

She quickly page the nurse to alert them
Y/n was awake. Lorraine pretty much jumped on her, ed joined in when he walked in kissing her head over and over "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!" Lorraine said lightly hitting her arm while laughing.

Except y/n wasn't laughing, "what's wrong hunny, does something hurt? Should I-" "no no Lorraine I'm fine, but it's got him." "What do you mean? David's fine now" "no no not David it's got Arne" ed went running off yo call them waring them as Lorraine stayed cuddling me.

"I love you petal" "I love you too Lorraine"
"As happy as I am Both of my girl are safe, we have another problem.. we were too late"

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