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Y/n works with Ed and Lorraine, she's stressed over collage work, so Ed and Lorraine cheer her up. (Cringe warning)

Y/n pov-
I was doing her collage essay due at 7am the next morning, it was now 5:50am.. I was one word in and ready to fail at this point.

I banged my head against the cold wooden table, "OH MY FUCKING GOD I GIVE UP, I JUST WANNA SLEEPPPPPPP".

I must have finished my work around 6:40, or if you can call the one Paragraph work.

I headed out to class, arriving home at 6pm. drained emotionally and physically.

I was just falling asleep when I got a phone call "hello" "hey y/n darling" "Lorraine?" "Yeah, i was just worried if you wanted to come round for tea?" "Ummm, yeah yeah give me a brake from school work I guess" "okay, see you at 7?" "Yeah, see you soon"

I missed working with them, I haven't had time to do what I love since I've been smothered with all this work. I don't think I've even eaten today.

I headed out the door and straight to Ed and Lorraines, I love their house it's so warm and cozy, It feel like home.

As soon as I got there judy grabbed my arm pulling me into the house. "Y/n close your eyes, we got you a surprise for you, it was mommy's idea" I closed my eyes gigging a little.

"Judy, what are you doing?, oh y/n hi I didn't know you where here already"
"Hi, I would hug you but i can't see you right now" Lorraine laughed, taking my other hand and pulling me towards the kitchen.

"Now open" across the kitchen was my favourite snack and fast food. "Awhhh guys you didn't have to" "I know how draining collage can be and after we didn't hear from you for month we got a little worried and called your gran, she told us all about you staying up all night studying. We thought you deserved a little brake"

I was now crying at this point, nobody had ever done something like this for me.

We sat down talking about our family and Judy, who was playing with her dolls in the living room, when Ed stood up and turned the Radio on.

Of course the song 'can't help falling in love with you' started playing.

Ed held his hand out for both Lorraine and I, which we happily excepted. Dancing around the kitchen, Judy soon joined us dancing around with her doll as Lorraine and I danced, Ed dancing doing some weird 'dad' movements.

We danced till around 10 when Judy went off to bed, Lorraine, Ed and I watching some cheesy tv show.

I must've fallen asleep with my head on Lorraines lap, cause next thing I now was waking up slumber on Lorraines chest and my feet on Ed, both off them just waking up themselves. "comfortable there hun?" "Sorry" "no no your fine" they both looked at each other as if asking for approval then Ed asked me "would you like to move in?" "Wait are you serious?"

"Very" "YES YES YES AND TRIPLE YES!!" "Ill sort you a room out then" we spent the rest of the day watching tv, playing bored games and feeding the chickens, the family I always wanted, I mean I had my gran..but she didn't really look after me, I looked after her at this point.


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