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i just woke up and it's 1pm..so imma just write until it's bedtime again heheh
(Basically y/n goes to the ER while Ed and Lorraine are on a case.)

(Y/n pov)
My parents are gonna kill me. I feel off my bed and now I have a pretty big cut ok my head..I was baby sitting Judy cause nana was sick. So she's now with me panicking. I have a 9 year old panicking over me and giving me a even worse headache.

"I called the church and there gonna contact mom and dad for us" my sister told me "okay, I think I wanna sleep" "okay you get some sleep" "hmmm night juds" "night"

(2 hours later)
"juds?" "Yeah?" "Are mom and dad here yet?" "No i don't think the church has the time at the moment" "oh right" "they said cause your 16 you cant sign yourself out without a Guardian"

(1 hour later)
"Juds what time is it?"  "Around 10pm" "OH MY GOD" "what?" "ISNT THAR FATHER GORDEN?" "yes OH MY GOD, MAYBE HE HAS THEIR NUMBER" "GO GET HIM JUDY"

(Judys pov) I ran down the stairs chasing after him.
"Father?" "Oh judy? What are you doing here?" "Ummm y/n got hurt, not too bad but we don't have mom and dad number for there case..do you by any chance?" "I do actually, here" he handed me a scrap piece of paper with a number on.
"Thank you, have a good night" "you too, stay safe"

I race back to y/ns room

(Y/n pov)
I see Judy race in here with a big of paper in her hands, "you get it?" "Yup" "thank god for that" "I'm calling them"

Judy started dialling the number and not long before she got a answer

"Put it on speaker" "mily- residence" I only heard half the convo as they got cut off being put on loud speaking, but from the voice I knew it was as mom. "Mom?" "Juds?" "Oh my god mom" "what? How? Are you okay?" "Yeah yeah I'm fine, it's y/n she fell outta bed and cut her head on her bed side table and now we're stuck at a&e but they won't let us go without you guys" "oh my, is she okay? Can I speak to her?" "Mom I'm fine and I'm right here your on loud speaker"

(30 minutes later)
"Juds?, y/n/n?" "mommm" judy ran up and hugged my mom while my dad ran over and inspected my cut "dad I'm fine" "don't do that again, nearly gave me a heart attack" "we love you both so much" my mom said squishing the life outta me. "Cant- breath. Mo-" "oh sorry" she release me. "Let's get you guys home"

The end🕺🏼

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