Y/n warren

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*3rd person*
Ed sat down on around the table setting up there recording devise"Those bruises they from something' that's happened here?" "Oh, it's some iron deficiency thing I have." "You know, with all thats been going on, why haven't you just moved out?" "Well, I don't know where we'd move to, you know? We got all our money tied up in this place and had a lot of repairs on top of that. And I don't know anyone who's gonna take in a family of seven indefinitely" "that's why we tracked you down" "we're glad you found us" "alight let's get started" "my name is Ed Warren it's November 1st, 1971 I'm sitting here with carol Perron, who with her family has been experiencing super natural occurrences..okay go ahead." "Where do i start?" "From the first occurrence" "I guess it was the clocks"

While upstairs Lorraine and y/n spoke to the youngest "mom and dad tell us that's you have a friend" "his name is Rory, he lives here too, but he's always sad" "Whys he always sad?" "He won't tell me, but I think something bad happened to him." "Do you mind if I try to see rory?" Y/n watched as Lorraine turned around as if she had actually seen something. "Y/n come over here, look at this" she looked into the mirror turning the box on, she saw the little boy..but he wasn't alone, he was with an older women. She stood towered over him, handing the music box back to April.

*Y/n pov*

I felt a little light headed so I went outside for a bit of fresh air, the cold air against my hot face. I walked towards the lake staring out into the distance, until I heard Ed and Lorraine come out, I turned around as they approached me. As Ed starting speaking, I heard a creaking noise, I slowly lifted my head and saw a corpse of a young women, pail and broken. I felt like I was gonna pass out again but before I could Ed came running over, Lorraine looked at me with worry and wonder for how I saw that's too.

Lorraine held my arm leading me back into the house as ed stood behind me, leading me to the chairs in the kitchen. Lorraine explained to ed everything.

"Well y/n, Lorraine and I feel that what your house needs is a cleansing..an exorcism." "What exorcism- I thought that was something you like do to people." "No, not necessarily no." "we have to get out of here" "I'm afraid that won't help mr and Mrs Perron" I replied "y/n and Lorraine saw something.. which- go ahead, one of you." I felt the colour drain from my face and Motioned for Lorraine to speak. "I've been seeing the drank entity that's haunts your house and your land..I saw it first when I came through the door..it was latched to your back, then I saw it again with y/n and the girls when she walked into the living room and it doesn't matter where you go this dark entity has latched itself to your family and it's feeding off you" "even if we..leave?" " sometimes when you get haunted it's likes stepping in gum, like you take it with you." " i've got a tell you you have a lot of spirits in, here but this one right here I'm most worried about because it's so hateful." "Okay so what what do we do? Can we call a Priest?" "I wish it were that easy" " performing an exorcism is an archaic procedure, which requires years of training, and even then me and Ed have seen it go horribly wrong, but before we even get that far. The church has to authorise it first." I informed them "which means we gotta investigate, gathering evidence and provide proof and that's the hard part."

We headed home, it now now around 7pm and judy wanted me to put her to bed "judy, what are you up to?" "I got you a present, me and Nanna got these at the church yard sale, one for you, one for mommy and one for me." "Awhhh hunny I love this so much and I love you so much" "I put a picture of mommy, daddy and you in mine, this way we will always be together, you'll be with me and I'll be with you, I miss you guys so much.." "I know sweetheart, get some sleep"

I walked down the stairs slowly while admiring my necklace. "Hey, umm Lorraine?" "Yes hun?" "Judy brought us these" handing her a sliver necklace while I had a gold one. "She said this way we will always be together, you'll be with me and I'll be with you."

I went back to doing re search on the house while Lorraine washed up from dinner.

"Hey, Girls" "yeah?" "Yep?" "you're not going  to believe this, carol's voice didn't record." I moved all my paper work aside as Lorraine sat down and Ed out the recording device down. "What do you mean?" "Listen" * my name is Ed Warren it's November 1, 1971 and I'm sitting here with Carol Perron and her who with her family, has been experiencing supernatural occurrences. Okay go ahead..from the first occurrence* 
"Nothing, the whole time. Y/n did you find anything?" "Lots..I mean no wonder they're going through what they are, this is the original farmhouse it was built in 1863 by a man named Jensen Sherman, he was married to a woman named bathsheba, guys shes related to Mary towns estye. She was the one of the woman accused of witchcraft in Salem. She was hung during the trials. After bathsheba Married Jedson they had a baby, and when the baby was seven days old Jensen caught her sacrificing it in front of the fireplace. Siobhan out to that tree by the docs, climbed up. Proclaimed her love to Satan. Curse anyone who tried to take her land, and hunt herself. Look, time of death was pronounced at 3:07 in the morning." "Wow that explains a few things" "yeah, so does this, Her last name is Walker she lives there in the 30s, she had a boy named rory who mysteriously disappeared in the woods, then she killed a self in the cellar and that's not all. So, what was the original 200-acre farm, has been subdivided and sold off but there was another boy who drowned in the pond here and lived in the house over here and woman who worked as a maid in the town she also committed suicide too." "People who took her land." Suddenly the tape recorder clicked and started playing * i'm seeing here with Caroly Perron, who with her family has been experiencing supernatural occurrences, okay go ahead." *static moaning* "from the first occurrence" *static moaning continue*

I must have feel asleep cause I woke up around 7:30am, on a very uncomfortable chair, with my head on the table. "Did you fall asleep down here?" Lorraine asked me "hmm" she kissed my head and handed me a coffee telling me I should probably get ready.

It was now around 11am, we had just arrived at the Perrons house, I already felt the evilness gloom around me.

"Y/n this is Brad, Brad y/n" "officer Brad Hamilton, harriville, Rhode Island, PD" "nice to meet you..hey drew." "Hey"

I started helping Ed and drew set the cameras up, which took quit a long time due to how big the house was. I left them to set the camera up by the tree to find Lorraine.

It was around 8pm when one of the door Belles started going off, all eyes went to the door waiting for what might come out, then the toilet flushes. "What? I had to go."

I was walking into the living room when a door started to open, I stood still, staring towards Ed who was at the other end of the corridor. "Brad get the camera..alight it's 9:18, we're headed down into the celler, where the door just opened on its own, I have Lorraine, y/n and officer Brad Hamilton with me, let's keep the cellar light off"

We all followed down into darkness, I feel goosebumps form on my neck. "Give is a sign thats you wanna communicate with us."  I started to walk around the corner aways from the rest.

I heard a thud by where Ed and Lorraine stood so I kept on looking around my area. "There's definitely something here." "Alight close the door or move something" "my hands are cold" "come on" "no" "it's gone."

But suddenly I felt myself being thrown into the wall behind me, I was gasping for air until I felt something tight around my neck. "Shit y/n" "where are you?" I let out a raspy reply "o-over here".

By the time they got over here the ghost suddenly let go and left me wheezing for air. Ed helped me up and Lorraine pulled me into a hug asking if I were okay. I pushed it off and said I was good, but I could feel the Iciness of the ghost still, it's cold hands.

(So I'm posting this now while I get ready for bed and stuff then imma write the rest later and tomorrow, so this isn't the end besties)

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