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the boys were sat in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to be called back so they could see will.

nancy had approached them.

"hey, where are the girls? eleven and twelve." nancy asked, lowering her voice when saying their names.

mike felt his heart break just hearing her name.

" gone." mike stuttered. "and-and twelve i-i don't know where she is. she ran off."

he would have went searching for her but the police wouldn't let him leave neither did his mom want him to.

just as nancy went to speak, the nurse called them back. saying that will was awake and that they could see him now.


"we've made new friends. they stopped it. they saved us. but they're gone now." mike explained to will, he sounded choked up towards the end of his sentence.

"their names are twelve and eleven." dustin told him.

will's brows furrowed in confusion "like numbers?"

"well, we call them "el" and "eve" for short." lucas informed him.

"they're basically wizards." dustin included.

lucas leaned in and whispered. "they have super powers."

"more like a yoda." mike claimed.

"they flipped a van with their mind, and these agents were trying to shoot us." dustin rambled.

"yeah, it flipped over us." mike clarified.

"then eve squeezed the brains out..." lucas said, making the boy wince at the graphic detail.

"and blood was pouring out of their faces." dustin said, pulling his hands down his face to add emphasis to his statement.

"it was pouring out of their eyes." mike corrected him.

"agents just started grabbing us and stuff..."

"...shot out of the wall..."


hopper set down some cling wrapped eggos before walking away. he knew that the girls were still out there.

he just knew they were..



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