Chapter 1

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Authors note: Hi! If your reading this thank you so much this is my first story and I hope you like this story your name marlena rose and you are 16 years old your going to go thru pain,trauma and much more thank you so much if you stick around!.

Marlenas backstory: marlena lost her mom when she was 10 due to a car accident.she has a younger brother Dylan who is six and is first grade,her father became and alcoholic and junkie a little after her mother passed away and marlena had always been left to watch over her brother she is now sixteen and still takes care of her brother as she did in the past.marlena will get a chance to do something but which could help her take her brother with her to live in a better place away from their father.

*Present day*
I was awaken by the sound of my alarm going off right at 4:30 am I groaned as i pulled my covers off of my body and put on my sweater that was on the ground. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror my thin brown hair looked more like a rats nest rather than hair,I brushed it out of my face and put it into a low bun and started washing my face and brushing my teeth. After I did that I walked into my closet and picked out my clothes a light pink sweater and black jeans with rips in them, I got dressed and walked down stairs were I found my younger brother Dylan asleep on the couch instead of in his room.Dylan was only 6 so he didn't understand that our father had turned into a dead beat alcoholic and junkie,I picked Dylan up slowly trying not to wake him and put him to bed in his own room before going back downstairs and making his lunch and breakfast for when the nanny got here. I picked up my bag and put on my shoes before going up to my room to get my watch and walked to my brothers room to go give him a soft kiss on his forehead and then walked out the door.

School POV: when I got to school I walked to my locker and started getting my books together when I saw my locker shut closed.when I turned to see who it was i knew right away who it was,it was carol bridge and her little friends Lilly and rose behind her .when I finally realized who it was I heard carol say " look who it is the motherless freak." I ignored her and just walked away leaving carol and her pawsey shocked they expected me to say something but I couldn't afford to get in trouble again or they would call my father who would be drunk as always so I just continued my day at school keeping my head down without saying one word to anyone and kept to myself.when school was over instead of walking to the cafe or to get something to eat I was walking to Dylan's school their was this book fair and he wanted to go so I pulled some strings to go with him,

Dylan's school POV: when I walked into the school I went into the gym where the book fair was gonna be and I saw Dylan trying to reach one of the Percy Jackson books at the top shelf and no one was helping I walked over and got it for him and smiled down at him and then told him to go pick out two more books and then a poster of what he wants when he finished getting his stuff we walked up to the cashier and she was Dylan's teacher and she said "oh marlena it's so good to see you!" It's good to see you as well miss winter she than said " that will be $45.50 dollars. Dylan looked up at me thinking I couldn't pay it but then as he did that I pulled out my wallet and grabbed 50$ and handed it to his teacher and then she handed the bag to Dylan and he said thank you and when we walking out his teacher stopped me and asked me if she could talk to me about something I said of course so I told Dylan to go talk to his friends so I could talk to his teacher when Dylan was gone she said " marlena I'm not trying to assume something that this is true but I've been noticing that whenever your little brother has school conventions like his winter musical or plays your father is no where to be seen it's always you there and your sixteen your not supposed to be like a mom" I saw were she was coming from because its true my father was no where to be seen in all those important moments for my brother but the only reason I'm their is because I had to relly on myself in all those plays and do everything on my own with no help from any one.I responded with " I appreciate your concern really but where all good my father just works a lot but he's around and I'm sorry but I actually have to get Dylan home because he has to eat dinner and go to bed it was nice talking to you.and with that I walked away and grabbed Dylan's hand and we were on our way home when we got home I looked back at Dylan and he was already asleep so I got out and picked him up and took him inside and put him to bed before going into my room and throwing my bag onto my bedroom floor and going to take a quick shower before going to start my homework.

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