Chapter 9

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When I got home I saw my father outside my door I was extremely scared but I walked up to the door and opened the door and crouched down to Dylan and told him " go play in your room and lock the door and don't come out until I go get you okay?" He nods and goes into his room and locks his door and that when my dad comes over to me and drags me to my room and holds me down on my bed. My eyes widened as I knew that my farther was drunk and high and that he had never done this before.. I tried to fight him off but it didn't work... after that was over and my dad was gone I slowly got up and walked to my bathroom and tried to find words to comfort myself but I couldn't find anyway I slid down my bathroom wall and started to sob as I pulled my knees up to my chest, I sat and cried for an hour until I heard the front door open and heard scarlet talking to Dylan and Collin I tried to get up but my legs were to shaky and bruised that's when I Saw scarlet walking to my room and when she didn't see me she was walked into the bathroom and told me " Marlena look me please.." I looked up and just brokedown into a sob and that's when she came over to me sat on the floor at held me and stroked my hair and whispered to me " shhh shhh it's okay love he can't hurt you again I promise" after a while of her whispered sweet nothings into my ear she helped me up and told me to take a shower and to change and while I did that she would pack my bag and Collin made Dylan's. When I got out of the shower I was in a pair of black leggings with a white hoodie covering my body. My eyes were blood shot red and my face was blochy but I slowly picked up my bag and walked out to the door and saw Collin holding Dylan while he was crying and scarlet waiting for me,

At scarlets house

When we got out of the car I slowly got mine and Dylan's bags and brought them inside and Collin was still carrying Dylan since he had fallen asleep. Scarlet showed me my room and Dylan's I told them I would set up his room and they were hesitant to let me do it but they allowed me too, I started unpacking clothes when I heard Dylan wake up and say " are you okay mar?" I turned around and smiled slightly and said " yeah I am buddy don't worry why don't you go downstairs and play with rose while I unpack" he said ok exitedly and ran down the stairs i could hear them giggling and that's when I kept doing what I was doing. After I was done with my room and Dylan's I closed my door and saw it was starting to drizzle and rain and rain was my favorite so I sat on my windowsill and watched the rain drizzle down my window and then felt tears slowly roll down my cheek, my silence was broken when I heard a knock at my door and I whiped my eyes quickly and told them too come in it was Dylan who told me that dinner was really and since I didn't want him to suspect anything was wrong I told him I would be down in a second and he said ok and walked back downstairs. When I walked down the stairs all eyes were on me but then they turned back down to their food I sat down next to Dylan and then he asked me " can you cut my chicken plz mar" I nodded and started cutting his chicken and when I was done he ate it I took a couple of bites and then excused myself and went upstairs to my room and closed the door and decided to post on Instagram since I haven't in a while I posted a picture of me and Dylan when we first got to Atlanta and I captioned it " me and my little buddy finally in Atlanta" and their were a ton of comments one said " omg your guys relationship is affordable" another one said " she's in the marvel movie it was confirmed" and after I posted that I saw Dylan at my door and his lip started to quiver and I walked to my door and picked him up and said " hey hey bubba what's wrong" he said in a sad voice " are you okay.." I said " yes bubba I am come on let's lay on my bed and so  we did his head resting on my chest and slowly he fell asleep after a while I slowly picked him up and put him into his bed to sleep. Then I walked into my room took off my clothes and put on my pjs revealing all of my bruises and then I turned off my lights and went to bed and cried..

 Then I walked into my room took off my clothes and put on my pjs revealing all of my bruises and then I turned off my lights and went to bed and cried

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