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Come on Yuna... pick up...Yes Finally!

"Hello, Yuna? What is going on? What is the news all about? What happened yesterday?!" I barged her with questions.

"Jia, first of all calm down. And about the news I think you would better know what happened. You both were so into each other that if Sunghoon and I didn't come, you might have slept with each other!" She said.

"What! That would never happen." I answered.

"Anyways just come to the office for now. I have called Sunghoon and Sunoo here as well." She said.

"Hmm...fine..." I said and hung the call.

I was going towards my car, when  a crowd surrounded me.

Ugh! The reporters!!

"Ms. Jia what is your relationship with Mr. Sunoo?" asked one of them.

"Ms. Jia where is Mr. Sunoo right now?" asked the other.

I didn't speak a word and just kept walking until I got into my car and once I was in, I asked the driver to drive to the office building. 

In the Office

"Oh Jia! Thank God you are here." Yuna said. "They will be here soon." She continued.

I just hummed in response. My mind was full of thoughts I didn't really know what to say. Then my door barged open and came in the one and only....KIM SUNOO with Sunghoon behind him.

"Were you out of your mind? Why did you kiss me yesterday? Do you have any sense?!" He blurted.

"Hey, hey, hey, I didn't mean to kiss you. Who in right mind would even think of kissing you. It was just an accident." I answered. How dare he showed me an attitude? I already hate him so much.

"Accident?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said

"Fine then apologize!" He said.

"Apologize?! Why would I apologize??" I said irritated.

"Who else will? You are the who kissed me." He back answered.

" If I remember properly, you kissed me back so you are equally at fault." I said


He was interrupted by Yuna. "Will you both stop? This is not the reason you are here. We are here to find a solution."

"Then what is the solution? " Sunoo asked.

"There is only one thing we can do." It was Sunghoon who spoke up this time.

"What is it??" Sunoo and I asked at the same time and then we eyed each other .

"Hmph!" again together. This time I shut my eyes. How much worse is this gonna get?!

"Anyways so the way out of this is that you both have to date each other" Sunghoon said.

"What?!" We screamed together. Me? Dating Sunoo? NEVER!!

"There has to be another way!!" I said.

"Yeah, there is no way I would date her." Sunoo said .

"Like I would love to date you." I said sarcastically.

"Enough both of you! And you don't have to really date but just act as if you were for about 2 months and then we can give some reason for your break up." Yuna said getting annoyed at us.

"But why?!" I asked because I don't wanna date Sunoo even if it's just fake.

"What else are you gonna tell people? That you both got high and kissed each other?" She said.

"No.." I pouted.

"Then do as we say...It's only for two months anyways." She said.

"Then it's decided. I will call a press conference." Sunghoon said and went out.

 Sunoo eyed me for one last time and followed him.

Ugh! I have to date KIM SUNOO!!!

(A/n: Here it is.....the third chapter.....it got a little longer but still....i have to work  a little more ig...Anyways  pls do tell me how it was..🤗🤗

Bye till the next chapter !!💜💜)

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