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"WHAT?" I asked.

Did I hear right??

"A thank you date...tomorrow...at 8...I will tell you where to come." He said.

Oh...a thank you date...

"Okay fine..." I said and went to my room.

Time skip to the next day morning


I was at my office when I suddenly remembered, "A thank you date...tomorrow...at 8...I will tell you where to come."

I was lost in my thoughts when Yuna snapped me back.

"Where were you lost? Thinking about your lovely husband huh?" She asked.

"What no...I mean yes but it's not that way..." I said.

"Wait really??" She asked.

"No it's just that he asked me on a date..." I said.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed.

"Chill it's not a 'date' date it's a thank you date because I helped him with the scandal yesterday..." I asked.

"Ohh..." She said.

"Yeah..." I said.

"Anyways I came here because I needed your sign on this." She said and handed me a file. I signed and gave it back to her and she went to her cabin.

Time skip in the evening


I am now getting ready for the "date" and wore my outfit.

Sunoo was gonna tell me where I had to come but instead, he came home, picked me up and now we are driving to the place

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Sunoo was gonna tell me where I had to come but instead, he came home, picked me up and now we are driving to the place.

We reached the restaurant and woah... It was my favourite restaurant...

How did he know?

"This is my favourite restaurant, you know?" He stated.

"Ohh...mine too." I said

We went in and the waiter took us to our table.

He gave us the menu but I already know what I would order. "One steak for me please." I told the waiter.

"Make it two and some red wine." Sunoo said.

"Okay sir." He said and went away.

Our food came and the waiter was pouring the wine in Sunoo's glass, he came towards me but I stopped him, "It's fine...I do not drink."

Then the waiter left.

"You don't  drink?" He asked me with a surprised look.

"No, I don't." I answered.

"Oh... I didn't know. I am sorry." He said. I could see he was quite disappointed.

"No no, it's okay. I never told you so how would you know?" I assured him and flashed him a big smile.

He looked at me and his face lit up! He was happy again.

"Now I know!" He said and smiled looking straight into my eyes.

The date went quite well. I felt as if we were in a relationsh- Stop it Jia! It was just a thank you date!

(A/n: I know this chapter was small chapter, but a big one is coming ahead. Till then, bye!!💜💜)

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