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Sunoo POV

"Ugh! I am so stupid." I said to myself as I realised what I did.

I didn't mean to say that to her. I feel sorry. I went to talk to her but her door was locked. I think I should apologize in the morning. I went to my room and slept.

The next day morning

Sunoo POV

I woke up and got ready I saw that there was a dish on the dining table. I went and took the seat to eat the food.

"What are you doing? It's my seat. It's my breakfast." Jia said.

"Oh okay, where is mine?" I asked.

"Why should I make breakfast for you. Am I not that wife who gets people home when her husband is not home?" She said with a sarcastic tone.

"Look, I am sorry for what I said yesterday. I shouldn't have said that." I tried to apologize to her."Sorry? What are you sorry for? Whatever you said is right isn't it" she said. 

Damn she is so angry and why not.

"No it isn't. I was just not in my right mind. Let me explain. Please." I said holding her hand. "You have nothing to explain to me." She said and was about to leave.

"Please! I am sorry the thing is the same thing happened to my colleague so I thought-""So you thought I would do that too. You are hopeless Sunoo!" She said and stormed out of the house leaving me there.

I have to do something. I can't leave it like this.


The whole day Sunoo called me a hundred times but I did not pick up even once. He also texted me about how sorry he was but I didn't reply to that either.

Think about it...Why AM I mad about it? It's not like we love each other and trust each other all the time... We didn't even know about each other that well before getting married. So it's quite normal for him to not trust me. Especially after he heard what happened to his colleague.

Time skip at home


I was cooking dinner. I think I should forgive Sunoo. I will once he comes back home. Suddenly I heard the door bell ring. Is it Sunoo?

Why did he ring the bell? He already has the key?

When I opened the door a body fell on me. It was Sunoo. He was so weak he couldn't even stand. I touched his forehead. It was burning hot. I quickly removed his shoes and got him in. I definitely can't carry him upstairs, so I took him to the guest room downstairs. I placed him on the bed and pulled the quilt over him.

"Jia." He called me.

"Shhh... Don't speak anything. You are not well. You have fever." I told him.

 I checked his temperature and 103F!! OH MY GOD!

I was now scared. I called the doctor and asked him what should I do and he told me.I went to his room and told, "Hey, lay down just how you have now. I called the doctor. He prescribed a few medicines. I quickly go get them. Okay?" I said. He looked at me and nodded.

I came back with the medicines and gave it to him. He didn't want to but eventually took them. "Good. Now sleep and I will get some hot soup for you." I said went to the kitchen to make some.

I came back with the soup. "Sunoo, get up and have some soup." I said and sat beside him to feed him. He got up weakly and then I fed him the soup. I put the bowl aside and pulled the quilt over him again. "Sleep here tonight. Okay?" I said. He hummed as a response. I was about to leave but he caught my hand and said, "I need to talk to you."

"I forgive you." I said and he was shocked. "Really I do...now sleep." I continued.

I was about leave but again, he caught my hand. "What now?" I asked, "Can you be here? Can you sleep with me? Please don't leave me." He pleaded. I looked at him for a second and said, "Okay fine." Then I went to the other side of the bed and slept right beside him.He snuggled his head into my crook.

He snuggled his head into my crook

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We slept together the whole night.

(A/n: Jia is so nice. She already forgave Sunoo. 😄😄)

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