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Sunoo POV

God! Why is this happening with me? Why does it have be her? Why? Why Jia? Don't know what gross things do I have to do because of this shit. That reminded me of earlier...

" If I remember properly, you kissed me back so you are equally a fault."

Why did I kiss her back?! And why did I enjoy- STOP! STOP THINKING ABOUT HER KIM SUNOO!!

Just then my phone rang. It's Sunghoon hyung.

On the call

Sh:  Hello? Sunoo? 

Sn:  Yeah hyung....what happened?

Sh: The press conference would be in the evening at 5:30.Be there. And yeah...calm down...I know you don't really like Jia but we need to do this okay for the company...okay?

Sn: Hmmm....

Sh: Okay then bye...take care. 

Sn: Hmmm...you too....and yeah....thank you hyung...just for every thing...

Sh: Sunoo...I am not just your secretary, I am you best friend... who would help you if not me??

Sn: *giggle*yeah hyung.fine bye...

Sh: bye!!

Meanwhile At Jia's Apartment


Yuna decided she would be with me till the press conference. About yesterday evening she thinks someone definitely put something in my drink so she took me to the hospital for some tests. 

Who and why did someone do that??

"Jia!" Yuna calls me from the living room.

"Yeah what happened?" I asked when I came in.

"Sunghoon just called me...the press conference is at 5:30." She said.
"Oh...fine." I said.

"Jia-ya relax. Its just for 2 months remember?" Yuna tried to calm me down.

I just hummed.

She is right it's just two months...

Time skip  at 5:20 

Sunoo POV 

I was here at the conference hall waiting for Jia to come that's when I saw someone enter. 

She came in wearing this

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She came in wearing this.

 "Hi" I greeted her with a smile.

"Hello." She said returning the same sort of smile.

Then we went in for the press conference.

After the conference....

"Can we have a photo of this new couple?" a reporter asked.

I looked at Jia and she nodded as confirmation. Then I slowly went close to her and placed my arm on her waist. And we both gave them a huge smile.

Jia POV 

Sunoo's arm was around my waist, which was giving me a weird feeling in my gut. Blood was rushing through my cheeks making me blush.

As if this was not enough...someone asked, "Can we get a kiss?".

Sunoo turned towards me and leaned in....

To place a soft peck on my cheek.

For a second I thought he was gonna kiss me.

If my face wasn't a tomato before, now it definitely was.

After that we left the place. 

Sunghoon was waiting there and Yuna also came there rushing.

"Jia! I got a call from the hospital....You had been drugged. That drug stimulates hormones which makes you sexually active. That's why you couldn't control yourself." She explained.

"So it means someone wanted to-" I was interrupted by Yuna.

"STOP! Don't say it." She felt really bad, tears about  to roll out of her eyes...I hugged her.

My eyes were glossy too. Sunghoon put an arm on us and we separated. He then sent us home as well.

The whole I kept thinking about what Yuna told and what could have happened if Yuna wasn't there.

(A/n: The fourth chapter... I hope you like it!!😊💜)

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