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It is 7:00 pm now and I am getting ready to go to eomma and appa's house. Sunoo will be here soon. I decided the outfit I would wear which I think was decent enough wear to his parent's house.

 I decided the outfit I would wear which I think was decent enough wear to his parent's house

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The heard the door open which means Sunoo is here. I put on some light makeup and went out to the living room. Sunoo was sitting on the couch.

"You're Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Then let's go." He said and both of us went out and entered the car.



As we reached there, we saw eomma was waiting for us.

"Oh my dear children! Finally you are here. Come let's get in." She said. Both of us smiled at her and followed her.

In the living room there was Appa. Soobin was there with his wife and Somi came along with her husband.

"Hey Jia, come talk to us. Come sit here." Soobin's wife Yeji called me to join Somi and her. I went and sat with them. Sunoo went to talk to Soobin.

We talked for a while and then went to the dining room for dinner.

"Eomma! I missed your food so much!" Sunoo said taking a bite of the food.

We were quietly having dinner but eomma broke the silence, "So how are you guys doing?" She asked looking at me and Sunoo alternately.

"We doing fine eomma." Sunoo replied and I just smiled looking down.

Suddenly I felt something weird. I covered my mouth with my hand. I felt like vomiting. I asked eomma for the washroom and then ran where she told me. I vomited. It's probably because of the number of different things I ate the whole week. I should have controlled myself.

I came back and took my seat and drank water and continued eating after that but the atmosphere felt a little different. Eomma was eyeing Sunoo and me when she suddenly spoke, "Jia, are you perhaps pregnant?"

I chocked on my food.

"No!" Both of us told together. "It's just a stomach upset eomma." I continued looking at her.

"Oh that's a pity... I really want more grand children..." She sounded a little disappointed and she pouted. Now I know why Sunoo pouts all the time... It's in his genes.



The dinner was over.

The drive back home was completely silent.

 None of us spoke a word.

We reached home and I was about to go to my bedroom when I heard, "You couldn't even wait for an year huh?"

I turned to him and asked, "What does that mean?" I was confused.

 Why did he say that.

"I know our marriage is a contract marriage but that does not mean you would go sleep with someone and get pregnant..."

"What?! I am not pregnant." I answered.

"How would I know? I wasn't even here for days."

"So you think I got someone home when you weren't there?" I asked annoyed, "I am NOT pregnant. It's just that I ate a lot of different foods the whole week so I have stomach upset. I still don't feel well and this is what you tell me? Think what ever you want but I am nothing like that. You can't even get me as friend in all this time?" I continued.


I was angry. I stormed into my bedroom and shut the door and locked it from inside.

This is what he thinks about me?

Just when I thought he was getting better he proved that he will never improve.

(A/n: Why Sunoo? Why did you say that??😔

BTW please do vote for the chapters guys. Thank you.💜)

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