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Sunoo POV

I am now back home. To be honest I was quite shocked by what Yuna told earlier.Suddenly my phone started ringing... I checked the caller ID and it was Somi, my twin sister.

On the call

Sn: Heyyy...

Sm: Yah! You started dating and didn't have the courtesy to tell me?! Do I need to know about my brother from news now??

Sn: No no...I was about to tell you...

Sm: When? When you were already married?

Sn: What? No!

Me marring Jia? No chance...

Sm: Anyways I forgive you cuz your girlfriend is so pretty just like me...I bet we can be good friends.

Sn: Yeah...

Only if you knew how she is.

Sm: Okay then...bye... congratulations by the way...

Sn: Hehe...yeah...bye

Congratulations my foot!!

The Next Day


I was woken by a call...it was my mom...I already know what she is gonna ask me. 

On the call

J: Hey mom, good morning...

Jm(Jia's mother): Good morning my baby...but you that's not why I called you...is it true??

J: Yeah... *chucking*

Jm: Oh my baby...I am so happy for you!!! When can we meet him? When are you guys gonna get married??

Married to him, I would rather not marry at all...hmph!

J: Mom calm down we are still dating...we are not getting married.

Jm: Yeah but eventually you will right??

J: Mom can please not talk about marriage? Please??

Jm: Okay...but anyways Congratulations!!

J: Hmmm....thank you...

Jm: Okay baby...bye!! Take care!! I love you!!

J: Bye mom...love to too!!!

It's better that she does not know that it's fake

Time skip


Its been a few weeks since Sunoo and I have started "dating". We have made a few public appearances together and have kissed each other a few times for the camera... And before you misunderstand they were just quick pecks...

One thing that is weird is we haven't really bickered each other for a long time now. But I am happy. A little less stress to my brain with all of this drama that's going on. Everything was going fine....or so I thought....

Sunoo and I were again on the headlines were people were claiming that our relationship is fake.

Yuna just called me and told me come down and that they are waiting in the car to pick me up.

Sometime ago

Sunghoon POV

I just saw what's going on on the news and decided to call Yuna here. I heard the bell ring, it must be Yuna.

I opened the door and I was right....it was Yuna.

"Hey, come in." I said and went to sit on the couch and she followed me.

"So what do you think we should do now?" I asked.

"I thought for a while and came up with something...I know it might sound crazy but we need to somehow convince them to get married." She answered.

"What! They would never agree... Convincing them for dating itself was so difficult. They would probably eat us alive if we tell them to marry." I said.

"I know it will be difficult but there is no other way out...No other way to prove them wrong..." She came close and held my hand in hers and continued, "Also if they get married they would spend some more time together and if they get together... We can finally tell them about us..."

What she said is right...How long should we hide our reationship??

I thought for another second and said, " Okay fine...Let's call them and tell them this." I said.

"Really?!" She asked in excitement.

"Yeah!" I Said.

"Okay fine I'll call them." She said and went to call them while I was still sitting on the couch.

Let's see how this goes...

(A/n: How do you think they would react?? Find out in the next chapter. Till then bye!!💜💜)

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