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It was Sunday. I was going through my phone when Yuna called me.

On the call

Yn: Jia it's an emergency!! Please to come my house right now! 

J: Hey... Hey... First calm down and tell me what happened.

Yn: I will tell you but first you come home. Fast! 

J: Yeah... I will come. Just wait okay.

Why is she panicking so much?

At Yuna's house


I reached her house and rang the bell.

She opened the door and hugged me.

"Hey...what happened?" I asked her.

We went in and she spoke, " Um...how do I say this...it's been a few days I am nauscious all the time and I have this weird food cravings you know...that's when I realized... " She took a deep breath and said, "I might be Pregnant."

"WHAT?!" I shouted. "How is that possible?? You don't even have a boyfriend...did you do it with a random guy??" I asked.

"About that..." She started, "Actually I do have a boyfriend." She confessed.

"What! You do?? Why didn't you tell me? Who is it?" I asked. I was literally shocked.

"It's Sunghoon. I am sorry I didn't tell you cuz you and Sunoo weren't on good terms at that time!!" She said.

"Woah...Sunghoon? How long are you guys together??" I asked.

"One year.." I answered.

"ONE YEAR?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah..." She replied.

"Okay...but wait...did you do the test?"

"No that's why I called you here...I wanted someone to be with me." She said.

"Okay...wait here....I will quickly got get the kit... fine?" I asked her.

She nodded and I left.

At the store

I got the kit and I payed for it and I was about to leave...

"Jia!" Someone called me. I turned to see it was Yeji eonni.

"Hello, eonni." I said.

"Hi..."she said. "I just happened to see what you bought. Are you..." She continued.

"Oh...no no eonni... it's not for me it's for my friend!" I said.

"Ohh....I thought it was for you. I am sorry." She said with an awkward laugh.

"No eonni it's fine...but I have to go now... Bye!" I said.

"Bye!" She said and with that I left and quickly went to Yuna's house. I have her the kit. She went to the washroom and I was waiting for her outside.

She came out and said, "It's positive." And looked at me.

"Yay!! My bestie is pregnant. I will be an aunt!!" I ran to her and hugged her but she wasn't as enthusiastic as me.

"Yuna, what happened. You aren't happy??" I asked with concern.

"I am but..." She said.

"But what?" I asked her.

"How will I tell it to Sunghoon??" She asked.

"Hey...don't worry I will help you. We can tell him together. Yeah?" I said trying to console her.

"But what if he doesn't want the baby??" She asked. She was about to cry...

"No no no... Don't cry Yuna...He loves you...He will be happy!" I assured her.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yeah...I know so!" I said.

I calmed her down.

Her face lit up and she said, "I AM GONNA BE A MOMMY!!"

(A/n: So Yuna is pregnant. Jia finally knows about their relationship.

BTW @sun4sunoo thank you so much for your wonderful comments. I really enjoy reading them.🤗🤗 )

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