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I woke up in an unfamiliar room.

Is it a hotel room?

It tried moving but I couldn't. I was tied up.

I tried to free myself from the ropes but failed anyways that's when someone entered.

"Oh, you are awake Jia?" I looked up to see who the voice belongs to and it's Mr.Jo.

"You? What are you doing here Mr.Jo? Please untie me." I said.

(A/n: Really Jia how much more dumb can you be?

J: Why don't you ask yourself. You made me like this.

A/n: I-   Let's continue the story you know.)

He only laughed at me.

"You are behind all of this?" I asked.

"Now you are using your brain. I tried so hard to get you. You know what all I had to do to get you?" He asked. I just kept quiet and gave him a deadly stare.

"I drugged you once, but you kissed that guy Sunoo and dated him, I convinced the media that your relationship is fake and you married him. I fabricated the photos so that you think he is cheating on you but you took his side. I tried drugging you and he came in the middle! You know how annoying it is?!" He said.

He came close to me and put his index finger under my chin and continued, "You were 16 when I first saw you. You came with your dad and I already knew what I wanted from you but I waited. I waited for 10 whole years!" He shouted the last part."

"Don't touch me!" I shouted but it didn't affect him. He came close his hands roamed everywhere from my cheeks to my shoulders and down to my waist. Tears were rolling down my eyes. I was so helpless.

 He was about to kiss me when the door barged open.

Someone came in and smacked Mr.Jo. It was Sunoo.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" He literally growled.

Then he came towards me.

"Oh my god!" He looked at me and said. 

"Let me untie you. Just wait." He said and started to do so. 

Once I was completely untied, immediately hugged him and I cried, my head buried into his chest.

"Shhhh... it's fine he is gone... The police took him." He said trying to calm me down.

 I broke the hug and said, "He-" but Sunoo didn't let me finish. 

He hugged me once again and said, "I am sorry. I am so sorry. I love you."

I was taken aback by his sudden confession but I couldn't respond to him. I was not in the condition to do so.

After I was fully calmed, Sunoo took me home. We had our dinner and we went to sleep in our rooms.

I was lying on my bed but I couldn't sleep.

I decided to go to Sunoo's room.

I knocked on his door. He came out and asked, "Yeah. What happened?" He asked.

"I can't sleep. Can I sleep with you?" I asked.

"Yeah sure! Come in." He said and both of us lay on the bed.

 As I turned I saw Sunoo's face. He was looking at me. Our faces were inches apart. And then before we knew our lips touched. We were kissing each other. 

He slowly hovered over me and kissed me softly but full of love. I wrapped my arms around his his and they automatically found thier way to his hair. 

The kiss started becoming intense but he suddenly pulled out. He was about to go back to where he was sleeping but I stopped him and asked him, "What happened? Don't you want this?"

"If I do this then what is the difference between me and that Mr.Jo?" He asked.

I cupped his cheeks with my hands and said, "The difference is that Mr.Jo is a perverted old man and you....you are my husband. The man that love."

"You love me?" He asked innocently.

"Yeah, I love you Kim Sunoo." I said and connected our lips again...And then I had the best night of my life.

(A/n: I leave this up to your imagination as I can't write smut...more like I don't know how to write it. Sorry if I disappointed you.)

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