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So Yuna told Sunghoon everything and as expected...he was very happy. Sunoo on the another hand was so shocked to know about their relationship. In no time, Sunghoon proposed Yuna which she happily agreed to and now we are in the church. Yes, today they are getting married.

I was wearing this.

When Sunoo saw me he immediately complimented me

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When Sunoo saw me he immediately complimented me. That was the first time he did that.

Time skip after the wedding


Eomma was also here. She came towards us and said, "Look at them...They are married. Yuna is also pregnant. When will I get my grandchild?" She whined.

I haven't even confessed to him yet...

"Soon, eomma." Sunoo came close to me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer than I already was.

I was blushing.

"Really?! That's great." She squealed.

After she was gone I asked Sunoo, "Sunoo, why did you say that?" I asked.

"Uhh...what else could I say?" He answered.

True...what else would he say...

Time skip


It's Sunoo's birthday today. I haven't confessed yet because I don't know how to but I have prepared a cake for him. I kept it on the dining table. I will give it to him when he wakes up.After some time I heard his door open, so I quickly went to hide. I can still see him. He saw the cake on the table. 

He was surprised, "Jia?" He called and he looked around and that's when I decided to come out.

"Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday Dear Sunoo!

Happy Birthday to You!!"

"Happy Birthday Sunoo." I said.

"Thank you Jia." He said a smiled at me.

"You made this cake?" He asked.

"Yeah...now come on cut it...fast!!" I said.

"Yeah...yeah..." He chuckled and went to cut the cake.

He took a slice and came to me. "Here... you made it so you eat first." He said.

I broke half the slice and said, "It's your birthday so here."

"Fine then together." He said and we both of us fed the cake to each other.

That night we went to the restaurant to have dinner. He looked so happy.

Time skip


It's been a few days since Sunoo's birthday now. He has been flirting with me a lot since then. We even call and text each other a lot.

Does he like me back? Or is it just me who is thinking that?

I had come for grocery shopping and was heading to my car when Sunoo called.

On the call

Sn: Hey...where did you go?

J: I just went for some grocery shopping.

Sn: Why didn't you tell me? I could have come with you.

J: No, it's fine...Anyways I am done now and I am coming back.

Sn: Okay, come fast! 

J: Yeah, b-

I was about to say bye when someone caught me from behind.

My phone fell down.

"Hey! Leave me!" I tried to free myself from him put he covered my mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

In seconds I blacked out.

Sunoo POV

I was on a call with Jia.

"Yeah, b- "


Did the phone fall down?

"Hey! Leave me!" I heard her say.

"Jia?" I asked.

No response

"Jia?" I asked again.

No response

"JIA!" I shouted.

I am so scared.

 What happened to her? Why is she not responding me?

(A/n: So Jia got kidnapped...)

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