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Yuna POV 

Sunghoon and I are sitting in a café  waiting for Somi to come. 

Yes, Somi. We decided that we will tell Somi about everything about Sunoo and Jia so she can help us. 

"Hey guys!" She said as she came and sat with us.

"Hi!" We said together.

"So, why did you call me here?" She asked eagerly.

"Yeah about that...Actually it's about Sunoo and Jia." I said.

"So their relationship is actually fake?" She asked 

"Yea-  Wait how do you know that?" I asked. I was shocked at her statement.

"I just doubted it since everything happened too fast. Also I am his twin...basically a part of him I just felt like something was wrong." She said.

"Wow you are great!" Sunghoon said.

"Hehe thanks." She replied.

"Anyway, we called you here because we want you to talk to them separately." I said.

"You mean like ask them if they like each other,  make them  realize that  they do and stuff?" She asked.

"Yeah exactly." I answered.

"Okay fine I will try talking to them." She said.

Haa... Let's see what happens.

Jia POV 

I was working at my office when someone entered my office. I thought it would be Yuna, but no...I saw it was Somi, Sunoo's twin.

Huh! Why is she here?

"Hey Jia, were you busy?" She asked.

"No eonni, what happened?" I asked.

"Oh, please don't call me eonni. I am the same age!" She said.

"Fine Somi." I said.

"Anyway, I came here to talk to you. Do you have some time?" She asked. 

"Yeah sure sit down please." I said while pointing the sofa in my office. She sat there and I sat beside her.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" I asked.

Her expression quickly changed to a tense one as she said, "I want talk to you  about Sunoo and you" she looked directly into my eyes.

What about Sunoo and I?

"What about us?" I asked.

"Is all this real? I mean your dating, your marriage, I always felt like something is up, something is not right..." 

As I heard what she said, there was a knot in my stomach. I am probably even sweating.

I gathered myself together and said, "No Somi, we really do love each other. Why do you think that way?" 

"Jia, if you are hiding something please tell me, I won't be mad, just tell me and maybe I can help you." 

"No Somi...there isn't any thing to hide." I said. 

She came close to me and held my hands and said, "Jia, please. Trust me, I won't tell anyone." 

God! I don't think I can hide it from her anymore.

"Fine, yeah...We both don't love each other, our marriage is a contract marriage." I said. I told her everything from the start till the end. She just hugged me. 

"But what if you both start liking each other? Then what happens? Like... you spoke for him in front of the reporters...also as you said that he took you on a date..." She asked.

"No both of only bicker with each other and I only said that because it was the truth and about the date, it was just a thank you date...a friendly date." I said. 

"Okay if you say so." She said.

"Somi, please don't tell Sunoo that you know everything." I said

"Hmm...Anyways bye, I am happy you opened up to me." She said and waved to me.

 "Bye!" I waved back at her.

Start liking each other? I don't think so.

I need to tell Yuna about this.

Sunoo POV

It is almost the time for me to go home but suddenly I see Somi coming to my ofice.

"Hi!" I said and we hugged.

"Yeah hi..." She said but wasn't as enthusiastic as me.

"What happened? Why so low?" I asked 

"Because I am here to discuss something serious." 

Serious? What can it be? 

"You know...about Jia and you..."

"Us? There is nothing serious about us." 

"Exactly! I don't think there is anything serious about you guys." She said.

Why is acting like this? What does she know?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Sunoo, you know exactly what I mean." She said.

"No, I don't. Tell me what do you mean." I am really scared of what she will say next.

"Sunoo, I am your twin. You think I would know that you are faking everything with Jia?" 

There it is. The thing I was scared of. 

"No I am not. We do love-" 

"Sunoo..." She interrupted me. 

"Okay fine! It is exactly what you think it is. Happy?" I blurted and ended up telling her everything.

Ugh! Why is my life so messed up?!

"What if you both fall for one another?" She asked.

"No... Why did you ask that?" I said.

"You know...because she spoke for you in front of the reporters...also as you said that you took her on a date..."Shed explained.

"No, she said because I was really with her and about the date...she deserved...she helped me after all."

"Fine...bye and yeah...do not hide anything from me again!" She warned as she left.

"Bye- wait Somi!" I stopped her.

"What?" She asked turning to face me 

"Do not tell this to Jia." 

"Yeah fine" she left.

I also packed everything and went home.

When Jia opened the door, she said, "Hey! You are a little late. Any problem?"

"No, just work. Any problem here?" I asked her.

"No not at all. Go freshen up and come have dinner." She said and I just hummed and went to my room

Okay, good. She does not know.


Okay, good. He does not know.

(A/n: So do you guys like Somi??😁😁)

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