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We are at the airport waiting for our flight to Australia.

Once the announcement was done we went in. It was a first class booking. I sat on my seat and Sunoo sat beside me. The flight was gonna be long so I decided to sleep anyways we did wake up pretty early for the flight.

After some hours I woke up and I saw Sunoo was still sleeping. He was pouting like a baby while sleeping. I can't believe he is the same person that annoys the shit out of me when he is awake. Suddenly he took my hand and hugged it and put his head on my shoulder. I saw his face again.

  Cute- Wait Jia. Do not catch any feelings. It's only for an year and he is Kim Sunoo....the Kim Sunoo you HATE.

Time skip

We are in a cab and on our way to the hotel that eomma and appa booked for us. It's quite late And I wanna sleep now as I am quite tired. We reached the hotel and are now headed to the reception.

"We are here to check in." Sunoo said.

"May I know the name sir." The receptionist said.

"It's Kim Sunoo." He replied.

"Okay sir, just a second." And after searching through the list she said, "Your room is on the fifth floor room no.509. Here are the keys sir. Enjoy your stay here!" The receptionist said.

"Thank you." He said and turned to me and said, "Come let's go."

When we reached the room we saw our luggage was already there. The room was beautifully decorated.

Of course they would've booked a honeymoon suit.

Sunoo POV

While Jia was changing I decided to call eomma.

On the call

Sn: Hello, eomma?

Sm (Sunoo's mother): Hello my Deonnu! Have you reached?

Sn: Yeah mom we are in the room, Jia is changing.

Sm: I hope you like it. 

Sn: Yeah eomma it's nice.

Sm: It's also sound proof, you know what I mean?

Sn: Eomma! I shouldn't have called.

Sm: *Laughing* Sorry, Sorry, I was just teasing you my son, but seriously...I am not lying.

Sn: Eomma I am hanging up bye!! 

Sm: Bye my Deonnu!

Oh god! Eomma has gone crazy since my marriage!

Just then Jia came out and she slept on one side of the bed. I was also quite tired so I laid on the other side of the bed. That's when I felt someone kick me. I fell on the floor!

"What do you think you are doing?!" Jia shouted.

"What do you mean? I was just trying to sleep." I answered.

"You can't sleep on the same bed as me!" She exclaimed.

"Where else do I sleep then?" I asked.

" On the cou-" she pointed her hand but stoped because there was no couch."Okay...so there is no couch." She said.

"Exactly and that's why I am gonna sleep here." I said.

She thought for a while and said, "Okay fine.." She drew and imaginary line on the bed and continued, "But you WILL NOT cross this line. Got it?"

" Yeah, whatever." I replied and went off to sleep.

Time skip to the next morning

Sunoo POV

I was awaken by the bright rays of sunlight on my eyes but something felt unusual. It felt as if my body was heavier or some sort of force was stopping me from getting up. I looked down and I saw it was Jia. Her arms were wrapped around my body and her head was on my chest. She was still sleeping soundly.

Pfft! Do not cross the line...So I can't cross the but you can huh!

I pushed her to other side but she woke up.

"Hey! Why did you do that?!" She blurted out annoyingly.

"What a nice way to say good morning Mrs. Kim?" I said eyeing her.

"Just answer my question!" She said.

"You crossed the line. You were literally lying on top of me!" I replied.

"Oh..." She said making an embaresed face.

So now you realize huh?

"Anyways get up we need to go." I said headed to the bathroom leaving her there.


Ugh! How could I cross the line?!

I buried my head on the bed and tapped my legs. After he was done I went to the washroom and then got ready and wore the outfit. 

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(A/n: Choose one among the three

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Once I was done we went downstairs to have breakfast.

I do not know what more is gonna happen in this honeymoon...

(A/n: Chapter 9... Lot more to come... Till then, Bye!!!💜💜)

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