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At Jia's office


Last few weeks were quit peaceful. No arguments, no drams I was happy and So was SunooI hope everything stays like this.The only problem is today evening there is another business party that I have toattend.

Ugh! Business parties!

Time skip to evening


I was getting ready for the party. I chose my outfit that I would wear.

 I chose my outfit that I would wear

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(A/n: Chose one of them)

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(A/n: Chose one of them)

Sunoo was also gonna go so we decided to go there together. We reached the venue and entered. Once we were in, Sunoo and I separated. I as usual went and stood at one corner of the hall. Yuna did not accompany me as Sunoo was coming with me.

Some time passed. I have had a few conversations by now. I was finally left alone.

Finally some peace

Just when I thought that, I saw Mr.Jo approach me. He was one of the clients of my father and we have met quite a lot of times but today was the first time my father wasn't here.

Why is he coming here?

"Hello, Ms Jia." He said.

"Mrs. Kim Jia." I corrected him politely , "Hello to you too, Mr.Jo." I continued.

"Oh, yeah! My bad." He said.

"How is your father doing?" He asked.

"He is doing good Mr.Jo." I said and smiled at him.

God! How long is he gonna stay??

That's when a waiter came to us and Mr.Jo picked up both the glasses that were there in his tray.

 He put one of them forward and said, "Here you go Mrs.Kim."

"No thank you, Mr.Jo." I denied him trying to be polite.

"Oh come on Mrs.Kim it's okay to have one drink." He insisted.

"No, Mr.Jo, I do not drink." I said.

"Mrs.Kim-" He was interrupted when some suddenly took the drink form him. It was Sunoo. He took it and gluped down the whole drink.

"Now it's done." He said stared Mr.Jo.

If stare could kill.

"Yeah it is! Good night, Mr and Mrs. Kim." He said and left us. He looked annoyed. But who cares?

Just then Sunoo held my wrist and started pulling me.

"Sunoo leave! It hurts!" I said

No response

"Sunoo, please!! I said again.

No response

He dragged me to the car and made me sit. He put my seat belt and went to sit in the drivers seat.

"Sunoo, will you tell me what happened?" I asked.

No response

Fine...let's ask him once we reach home.

We reached home. Sunoo stopped the car.

He got out and came to me as I came out. 

He again held me by my wrist and we went in. 

Once we were in Sunoo pushed me to the wall and leaned in. He then kissed me.

 I tried to push him away but it didn't work

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 I tried to push him away but it didn't work. He was too strong. I did not kiss him back at any cost. The kiss started becoming rough. His hands slid down my back to my waist and then down to my thighs and he pulled me up. He carried me to the couch and laid me without breaking the kiss. 

I was still trying so hard to push him but couldn't

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I was still trying so hard to push him but couldn't. That's when his hands went back. He tried to pull the chain of my dress down.

Okay this was it! I have had enough. 

I somehow freed my right hand and slapped him.

I freed myself from him.

 "HOW DARE YOU?" I screamed and ran to my room and locked it.

 I buried my head in the bed and cried.

How could he?

I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning

Sunoo POV

I got up. I have a head ache.

How much did I drink last night.

I went to the living room and I saw Jia.

"Good Morning!" I said.

"Do not come close, do not touch me!" She warned.

I was confused.

"Why? What have I done?" I asked

"What have you done? YOU TRIED TO RAPE ME YESTERDAY!" She blurted and stormed out of the house.

I did what?!

(A/n: I hope the gifs weren't uncomfortable...😅😅)

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