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It's been I few days we are back from our honeymoon and we have returned to our daily lives. Surprisingly the rest of the honeymoon went without any drama. We took some pictures for showing them to our parents. They were so happy to see them. Life was kinda peaceful.

Time skip to Sunday

Today is Sunday!!! Yay!!! I gonna cook something delicious... I went to the kitchen and made ramyeon and spicy chicken and some cheese tteobbokki!!

Mhhh....it smells sooo good.

I put them on the table. I quickly called Sunoo and both of us started eating...

Oh god! This is heaven!

No of us spoke. We just kept eating until there was nothing left.

"Woah! I am so full! Jia that was amazing! I made the right choice by not hiring a new cook." He giggled.

"Yah! Who do you think I am?" I shouted, banged both my hands on the table and leaned forward and looked at him angrily.

"My wife." He said as he leaned in as well and there were only a few inches of gap between us. It was like both of us were staring right into each other's souls.

  His coffee brown eyes...So mesmerizing...

That's when a chopstick fell and made a noise getting both of us back to our senses and we looked away.

"Yah! Do you flirt with every person in the world?!" I asked.

"No, it's just you my wifey" he said in a teasing tone.

"Whatever I had to clean this up." I said and went to the kitchen.

What just happed out there.

Time skip to the evening

It was 7 pm and I had decided to have a movie all by myself. Ugh I miss Yuna!Sunoo came and sat beside me on the couch.

"Movie marathon?" He asked

" Yeah." I answered

"Okay I am joining! I'll go get some popcorn" He said.

Time skip 11pm

Sunoo POV

Jia and I are have a movie marathon we ended up ordering pizza for the dinner and our third movie is going on. That's when I felt something heavy on my shoulder. It was Jia's head.

Wow she is already asleep.

I carried her to her room in the bridal style and slowly put her on her bed. She immediately snuggled into the quilt. I quickly cleaned everything in the living room and switched the TV off. Then I went to sleep.

The next day


I woke up to see I was in my bedroom. How did I get here? If I remember I was sleeping on the couch while watching the movie.

Did Sunoo get me here?

I looked at the clock and it's 10 am!

  Ugh! I am late.

 Sunoo was nowhere to be seen.

What am I thinking? He would have already left! I am the one who is late.

I was eating breakfast and watching news and then the news anchor says something that grabs my attention...

On the news

Is the CEO of Kim Corporation, Mr. Kim Sunoo cheating on his wife?? Photos of him and a random girl entering a hotel room yesterday were leaked.

Back to Jia POV


I quickly got ready and got out house. As expected I was stormed by reporters and thier numerous questions.

"I would just say one thing..." I started making every go quiet and then I continued, "Sunoo loves me a lot and he was definitely with me yesterday night as we had a movie marathon together and ordered pizza. The photos that are leaked are all fabricated." And with that I entered the car and left them all.

Time skip to 8:30 pm


The fake news about Sunoo was dissolved quite fast after my statement. I am now done with the dinner and now waiting for Sunoo to come.

After a few minutes he came home and now we are having dinner when Sunoo spoke up, "Thank you."

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

"For what you said in the morning." He cleared my confusion.

"Ahhh.... You're welcome. Anyways it wasn't something made up, we did have a movie, we did

 order pizza together."

"Yeah...but still." He said

"It's okay..." I said 

"Go on a date with me..." He said

(A/n: Did Sunoo just ask Jia out on a date?? What is happening? 

This was chapter 10. Stay tuned for the next chapter. Till then, bye!!💜💜)

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