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We are here at Sunoo's apartment... And neither Yuna nor Sunghoon are speaking. It was as if they are scared.

What have they come up with?

"So!" Yuna said breaking the scilence. " At this point the only thing both of you can do is get married." She continued.

" What?! No way! NEVER!" I shouted.

"Dating was still okay but I will never marry her! No!" Sunoo said.

" Guys, please try to listen what we have to say." Sunghoon said.

" No hyung...This time I am not gonna listen....NO!" Sunoo said with an irritated voice.

"I agree there has to be some other way..." I said.

"Listen there is no other way we can prove that you are not fake also we cannot agree that its fake isn't it ?" Sunghoon said

"Moreover, it will be a contract marriage... You would be married for 1 year and then you can have a divorce. 1 year is enough for people to believe that it wasn't fake. 

Contract marriage? 1 year?

"Ugh fine! But only because there is no other way." I said.

"Sunoo?" Sunghoon asked Sunoo, who was busy zoning out.

"Huh?" He said coming back.

"What do you say?" Sunghoon said. 

"No hyung, I cant marry. I am not ready." Sunoo answered looking down.

Sunghoon went closer to him and placed his arm on his shoulder and said, "It's only for an year..." 

"But hyung-" 

I interrupted him, "Look, even I am not ready but we can't even do anything else. I also dreamt about my wedding and how I would marry someone who I love...but I agreed to marry you." 

He stared at me and I stared back. We were like that for a few seconds and then he sighed, "Fine..." He said defeated.

"Oh! Great, then let's get out and tell the reporters about it." Sunghoon said.

"Yeah!" We all said in unison.

Sunoo POV 

I was about to go when Sunghoon hyung caught me by my hand and put a box in my hand. "Here." He said. 

I looked at him with confusion and asked, "What's this?"

"There is a ring inside, make her wear it." He said looking into my eyes.

I hummed in response and made my way towards Jia who was about to go out.

"Jia." I called her.

"Yeah?" She responded turning towards me. 

I just pulled the ring out, took her hand and slid the ring down her ring finger. "Now let's go." I said as I held her hand in mine And she nodded and both of us went out. 

As we went out, we were stormed by reporters. They asked so many questions one after the other. I decided to speak up, "All the news about us is fake. We truly love each other and we are getting married." I said as I held Jia's hand and showed then the ring.

" So it's all false?" One of the reporters asked.

"Yes " I replied.

Then after taking a few photos all of them eventually went and then we both went back in.

"All done?" hyung asked.

"All done." I answered 

"Fine then Jia let's get back home, yeah?" Yuna said and Jia hummed. The two of them left.

"Sunoo-ya, I will also get going now." Hyung said.

"Okay hyung, bye." I said

"Bye." He said making his way outside.

As the door shut, I closed my eyes a put myself on the couch processing what just happened and sighed. 

I am getting married to YANG JIA.

(A/n: Here it is...Chapter 6. Do tell me how it is.🤗💜)

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