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Today was a very tiring day. Tomorrow is Sunday. I can finally have some good amount of sleep.

"Jia." Sunoo called knocking the door.

"Yeah? It's open, come in." I told him.

"Umm....Actually I will be going to a business trip to Hong Kong tomorrow...it is am early morning flight. I will be gone for about a week." He said.

Early morning flight?! I wanted to sleep tomorrow.

"What?! Your flight had to tomorrow out of all the days...that too in the morning??" I said clearly annoyed.

"You don't have to wake up. I'll go by myself." He said.

"But what about your breakfast?" I asked.

"I'll have something at the airport." He said.

"Okay fine then...be careful. Is there anything else you have to say?" I asked.

"No. That's it." He said.

"Fine then good night." I said.

"Yeah, good night." He said and left and I saw the door getting shut.

After that I fell asleep.

Next day morning


I woke up pretty late today. I wonder what did Sunoo have for breakfast... Wait! He is not even here. How did I forget that? 



In the afternoon, after I had my lunch I got myself some mint chocolate ice cream. It's Sunoo's favourite. If he was here I probably wouldn't even get half of it....



Am I here, eating dinner. Last week Sunoo and I ordered pizza while having a movie marathon. Wait...why am I thinking about him? Do I miss him?

"No, it's just cuz you are used to him and cuz this is his house." I told myself. Yeah... that's why.

Time skip to Thursday evening


This whole week went really good. It was like a self care week for me. I made a lots of food for myself , went shopping with Yuna and enjoyed myself to the fullest. But I have a lot of dishes to wash today...I put my headphones on and started washing the dishes.

Sunoo POV

I am back to Seoul. Unexpectedly I could return home early. Jia might get surprised at my arrival. When I entered home, I heard someone singing or more like shouting.

"You can't stop me lovin' myself 

Oh oh ooh ohOh oh ooh oh oh oh"

It was Jia. She had her headphones on and she dancing while washing the dishes. It was funny and cute at the same time.


I leaned to the wall a admired her from behind. She had no clue I was behind her looking at her. 

(A/n: Imagine it is a wall he leaned on

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(A/n: Imagine it is a wall he leaned on.😅)

Suddenly she turned and she got shocked. "Aaaahhhh! What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came back early..." I answered.

"Why? It was soo peaceful without you here..." She complained and pouted.

"Yeah I know... It was quite peaceful at Hong Kong too." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I am hungry. Can you make something to eat?" I continued.

"Yeah. I will make something. That's what I am here for. Isn't it?" She said sarcastically.And then I went upstairs to freshen up.


I face palmed myself.

Ugh! This is so embarrassing...He saw me like this! What would he think?! Wait... Why do I care? I don't care what he thinks about me. Hmph!

I quickly made him something and put it on the table. He came and sat and I sat in front of him.

"By the way, I got a call from eomma, she wants us to come to their house for dinner tomorrow evening so be ready at 7:30 tomorrow." He said.

"Oh okay." I said.

So I am gonna go to his parents house tomorrow...

(A/n: Is Sunoo falling for Jia??😏😏)  

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