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Sunoo POV

In the past weeks, a lot has happened in my life, in our life, Jia and my life.

I think we need a break. I small vacation maybe. But where? When? Will she agree?? That's when an idea popped in my mind.  

Our Penthouse in Busan!

She might not go there with me alone but she would definitely come if everyone is there. Yeah! I need to call everyone... We can go there this weekend. 


Last few weeks have been sooo tiring. I need a break... I thought.....that's when Sunoo came to my room.

"Hey Jia, are you free this weekend?" He asked.

"Umm... I don't know... I am kinda tired...so might as well take an off. Why though?" I asked

"It's just that we have a penthouse in Busan that we haven't visited in a long time, so we can probably go there on a family vacation." 

"Wow! That sounds amazing!! We should go there. Have you asked the it others??" I asked. I was excited. This was exactly what I needed right now...

"Yeah I already asked them. They all have agreed." He said. " Your parents too" He continued.

"What?! My parents are coming as well??" I asked in excitement.

He chuckled a bit and replied, "Yeah they are!"

"Wow thank you so much Sunoo!!" I said I hugged him thightly.

As soon as I realized what I did I pulled away.

"Sorry...I just got too excited I guess." I said.

I could see he was quite shocked at my action so he just nodded and quickly left my room. 

Was he that embarrassed??

Time skip to Friday afternoon


It's finally the time. Sunoo and I are gonna start our drive to Busan in an hour and a half now so I decided I should head home. I came home to get ready. I changed into my outfit.

 I changed into my outfit

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That One Kiss | Kim SunooWhere stories live. Discover now