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"YOU DO NOT HAVE A COOK?!" I screamed.

"I did have one...but she had to leave and anyways you were coming... So I thought you were gonna cook for me..." He said.

"I am not your maid!" I said in a raised voice

Ugh! This man!

I did cook for myself at my apartment but here I have to for TWO people that too in the morning! Anyways, I quickly cooked the breakfast set it in the table and went to my room for getting dressed.

When I came down I saw Sunoo wasn't there so I went to his room and knocked the door.

" Come in." He said.

" He said

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"Um...the breakfast is ready come have it." I said and went to the dining table and took my seat.After the breakfast I went to the office.

At the office

"Good morning, girl. How was the first night?" She asked in a teasing way.

"Really Yuna?" I asked her annoyed.

"Okay, okay, sorry. But how is your new home??" She asked.

" Don't ask! He doesn't even have a cook! And when I asked him why he told me that the she left and he didn't hire a new one because I was gonna come. Like am I his maid?!" I said and she only chuckled.

"Anyways you have a lot of work today so get started." She said and left to her cabin.I sighed and started working.

After work at home

I was back home. I rested for some while and then made dinner when Sunoo came home."Oh! You are here...Go freshen up and come have dinner." I said

After 10 minutes he came and sat in front of me.

"It's really good." He said and I thanked him.

We were having dinner when suddenly his phone rang, he checked the caller ID and stood up and went outside to take the call while I continued eating.

Later he came back and sat. He kinda looked tensed about something so I asked him, " What happened? What's with that look all of a sudden?"

"Nothing..." He said and looked at me and continued, " Eomma and Appa wants us go on a honeymoon. They have already bought the tickets as well."

"What! They bought the tickets as well?! So that means we NEED to go??" I askedHe rubbed his nape and answered, "Yeah..."

"Okay fine...but where are we going? I asked

 "Australia." He answered.

"Wait really?! I always wanted to go there!!" I exclaimed.

Australia is that one place I always wanted to visit. I have gone to many businesses trips abroad but never had the chance to go to Australia. I am glad I am going there even though it's with Sunoo. I hope he doesn't start any argument over there. I really want to enjoy this.

At night while sleeping also I was thinking about it.


(A/n: So they are going on a honeymoon...Ik this chapter was small and boring but it needs to be there...hope you understand.😊😊)

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