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Sunoo POV

I got ready and went to my office.

Sunghoon hyung was there as always.

"Hyung... something big happened yesterday." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Today, I woke up and went to the living room..." And like that I told him what happened.

"And the thing is...I do not remember doing any of it." I said and I fell on my chair. 

"Hey are you alright?" He asked.

"I don't know hyung." I answered.

"I think we should visit the hospital, Sunoo." He said.


I got out of the house and went to the office.I walked swiftly and went in my cabin.Yuna saw me entering and came in as well.

"Hey...how was the party yesterday?" She asked. I looked at her and tears started rolling down my eyes. I started crying again.

"Hey...Jia..." She came close and hugged me. 

"What happened?" She continued. I just cried on her shoulders and Yuna patted my back. After she completely calmed me down, I took a deep breath and told her everything...from the beginning till the end...every single detail.

"Woah! I can't believe Sunoo did that." She said. I was silent. "Anyways don't think about him now. Okay?" She said.

"Hmmm....but I don't want to go to that house again." I said.

"Okay fine... Don't go...come stay with me. Yeah?" She said trying to console me.I only hummed and nodded my head. She then left me and I began my work.

Yuna POV

Jia just told me everything. Honestly I am quite shocked after listening to that. But something feels wrong. Sunoo might annoy Jia but he is not someone who would force a girl to do "it".

 Let me call Sunghoon and ask.

 On the call 

Sh: Hello? Yuna?

Yn: Yeah...Sunghoon... I think you know why I called you.

Sh: Yeah. I know but we are the hospital now. I will call you later okay?

Yn: Fine... But don't forget.

Sh: Yeah I won't.

Wait...why was he at the hospital? 

He will probably tell me when he calls me back.



My phone rang and it's Sunghoon.

On the call

Yn: Yeah...now tell me what happend.

Sh: Okay so I know Sunoo tried to force himself on Jia but he did not mean to. He was drugged. The same drug as Jia. He wasn't feeling well so we came here and this is what the doctor told.

Yn: What?! That's good and bad. The good thing is he didn't mean to do it but the bad thing is this incident effected Jia a lot.

Sh: Hmmm....

Yn: I will try talking to her and telling all of this. But tell Sunoo that she will stay at my place today.

Sh: Okay.

Yn: Okay then...Bye..

Sh: Yeah...Bye...

Time skip at Yuna's house


I am now at Yuna's house. I came home a little earlier. The memories from yesterday are still fresh in my mind.

"Umm...Jia..." Yuna said grabbing my attention.

"Yeah...what?" I asked.

"I actually called Sunghoon and-" "Please Yuna, I do not want to talk about it." I interrupted her.

"Just listen to me first." She said.

"No Yuna, I do not want to listen to anything." I said.

"Please Jia, I will only tell you everything. Forgiving him or not is still your decision." She said. 

"Okay, So as I was saying, I called Sunghoon and he told me that Sunoo was drugged. It was the same drug as yours. He wasn't feeling well so they went to the hospital and this is what the doctor told." She explained.

"What?" I couldn't believe what she just told me. "So he didn't mean to do it?" I asked.

"No, he didn't." She confirmed.

Just then the bell rang and Yuna went to open the door.

"Sunoo..." I heard her say.

He came in stood right in front of me.

"Jia, please I am sorry. I didn't  mean to do that...please listen to me. I-" " I know Sunoo, I know everything." 

"Then please forgive me. Please come back home Jia, please!" He pleaded. 

I closed my eyes and thought. I took a deep breath and said, " Fine I will come with you. But Yuna will drop me." 

At Sunoo and Jia's home


Yuna dropped me home. I came in and saw Sunoo wasn't there yet. I switched the tv on and watched a drama on a channel. Sometime passed and then Sunoo came home.

"Hey, I got food for us. Its already time for dinner, so lets eat. Come." 

He severed the food and sat in his seat. 

" You are still there? Come sit. Let's eat." He said.

I wanted to go there and eat as well but I couldn't. My legs wont move.

"Hey what happened? Are you okay?" He asked looking at me with concern.

"Sunoo, I know you didn't mean to do it but I am scared." I said

He looked disappointed. "Fine...then you sit here and have your food and I will have it in my room. Is that okay? We can do that until you are comfortable with eating with me again. Yeah?" He said. I just nodded and took his plate and went inside. I ate my food and went to my room as well.

Time skip

 Jia POV 

It's been few days since Sunoo is eating his meals inside. Today as usual he came took his plate and about to leave but I held his hand and made him sit. "Sit here and eat. You don't need to go in your bedroom anymore." I said. 

"Are you sure?" He asked  looking  at me. 

"Yeah." I said and flashed a smile at him.

His face brightened and he said, "Fine!" 

We had dinner together after a long time.

(A/n:  Woah this was a loooong chapter. Hope you liked it. Do not forget to vote!! 😉😉)

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