Don't mess with me

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_ Author's POV _

Y/N Father was worried since the day you were missing he called Jackson to asked if he gets any information about you. Sorry boss we are still searching for dear (Y/N) but we are not getting any clue. Where should she be possible? Jackson said. Your dad got more scared thinking about what if something would happen to you. he told Jackson to ask for help from his friend Mr. Chang to find Y/N. Jackson can't able to say no to your dad so he just nodded and leave your dad's room and went to ask for help from your dad's friend Mr. Chang.

_ end POV _

It has been two days since I have been kidnapped but I still don't know which room is of whom in this house so I decided to take a walk-in this house. I started discovering this house with the rooms next to my room one on the left and the other one on the right. I decided to go to the left one first. I opened the room and entered the room revealing so many shelves on which many files are arranged in systematic form. I didn't touch anything and leave that room.

Now I decided to go to the room on the right side. I unlocked the node and open the door and entered the room it is a beautiful room with strong men's fragrance, a big bed, and beautiful paintings were hung. I was about to leave that room when a file on the bed caught my attention on which my father's name was written. I was about to pick it up until someone grab my waist pulled me towards him I got a spin and dumped on him. I looked upward to look at his face it was Namjoon.

* In wet hairs he was looking so hot. He is tall I didn't notice it at first but his views from here are so attractive. Wait what I am thinking stop Y/N you should not think about such things.*

Y/N what are you doing in my room? Namjoon asked (in a low voice). I...I was just looking for...

* Okay I forgot what to say after this. He is so beautiful that I forgot. Why I came to this room. I keep looking into his eyes until he brought back me to reality.*

Y/N are you going to keep staring at me? Namjoon again asked. I still didn't reply unless namjoon said, okay you can stare at me but please remove your hands from my chest. I removed my hand from his chest realizing he is standing half-naked. Only wrapped towel to his lower body portion. I was about to scream after watching this but Namjoon closed my mouth with his hand and told me to keep quiet and said, You silly girl why are you screaming? I should be the one to scream you are the one who came inside my room without knocking or are you trying to sue me. While looking straight into my eyes.

* After knowing that he is standing half-naked in front of you. You were feeling shy. You stopped breathing and your heart is beating very fast that you can hear your heartbeat but you didn't want to let Namjoon hear your heartbeat so you just pushed him away and run out of the room while closing the door.*

_ Namjoon POV_

What happened to her I was just teasing. Anyways thank god she didn't read this file. If she would have done it will only break her after knowing what her father did.

_ end POV _

After running out of his room I directly went to my room and closed the door. Still, I can hear my heartbeats. What is this happening to me? Why I always end up lost in Namjoon's eyes without even knowing. I think if one more time I will look into his eyes. I will end up falling for him. No, I cannot do that how can I fall for the 3rd dangerous mafia. No, I will never let this happen. I will ignore him from now on yeah, it is the best way to not let myself fall for him. I was busy in my thoughts when someone knocked on the door. I stood up and opened the door. He is jungkook hey, Y/N what are doing? Would you like to watch us practicing shooting he asked? I nodded and we both left to their training room. It is so big with all the tools and appliances which are required for the mafia.

*The base camp*

*The base camp*

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They begin their practice I was just standing in a corner and watching them

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They begin their practice I was just standing in a corner and watching them.
They were so concentrated and fearless to shoot the bullseye. Especially Jimin and tae they didn't miss a single shot. Suga and jhope were also good at shooting. Mr. Beautiful eyes are nowhere to see. Jin and jungkook were busy protestings who scored high until they noticed me and said Y/N why are standing there come join us it will be fun. I am also getting bored standing still their so I agree with them and went to one column next to jungkook. I picked up the gun in my hand but I was confused about how to use it. I have seen the gun many times but didn't touch them because of my father. I was about to ask jungkook how to use it but he has already started his training I didn't want to disturb him. So I decided to do it myself I aim my gun at the bullseye still a little bit confused about how to use it. My hands are shaking and I am stuck on what to do next when someone's strong arms surround me and my arms. He puts his hand over mine grabbing the gun straight to shoot. I can feel his breath brushing my ear hundreds of butterflies came to my stomach when he whispered to my ear, stop shaking Y/N if want to shoot correctly. Now look straight at your target and nothing else. Stare at it fearlessly for three seconds and then pull the trigger on and shoot.

After firing the bullet I instantly closed my eyes because I don't want to see my bad score but he again whispered to my ear telling me to open my eyes and see the result. It was not at the center but it was also not the lowest it was in the middle. I was happy to see that it's my first time using the gun I hit a good score I got so much excited that I turn and hugged the person who taught me how to use the gun without even knowing who is he.

* I was busy hugging him in the excitement that I didn't even realize that the other six boys looking towards us. *


Thank you for reading My Mafia King.

These all events are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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