Unpredictable Fate

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_ Namjoon's POV_

Why does Y/n get so nervous suddenly? Is she is Okay? And what she wants to tell Me... Because of this, she had to prepare this big surprise for me? There were lots of questions going inside my head. Which has to be answered by Y/n but where is she. What is taking her so long?

*Namjoon waiting for Y/n.*
*After 10 minutes *

That's it I can't wait here anymore. I can sense something bad I need to go and look for Y/n where is she?

I got up from my seat and made my way straight to the living room. I turned on my phone's torch and carefully walked inside the house calling Y/n.

"Y/n where are you? What is taking you so long?" I called out.

As I was reaching close to the living room I heard footsteps. I thought others must be back home and continued my walk towards the living room.

As took steps inside the living room I get to see no one was there and the cake which Y/n made was still there untouched. I became worried and shocked. If the cake is here then where did Y/n go? And the footsteps I heard...

I was processing everything in my mind. When unexpectedly someone hit my head from behind with something hard.
Which caused me to feel dizzy and left me unconscious.

_ End of POV_

_ Author's POV_

Y/n and Namjoon got kidnapped by some unknown person and right now you both are unconscious. The Unknown kidnapper took you both to an unknown place where nobody can find you.

* The unknown place*

* The unknown place*

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* It is an old ship port which had been closed for a long period

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* It is an old ship port which had been closed for a long period.*

_End of POV_

I was unconscious until I heard two men's loud voices arguing which made me flinch and break my sleep. I blink my eyes a few times before opening them properly to see I was laying on the cold ground and when I turn to look for the voices which wake me up.

I saw a group of men standing a few meters apart from me and also at the edge of Riverbank. When I looked properly at them I saw four men were holding 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' tightly and not letting him go and There was one other man who was standing in front of 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' pointing a gun at him.

(This scene was right in front of my eyes still I was can't able to believe what is going on and I got shocked after hearing about what they are arguing.)

_ Namjoon's POV_

"You whoever are you leave me right now and why did you bring us here," Namjoon said. (angrily)

*Namjoon struggling to get free from the grip of the men's holding him.*

"Me, I am Robert Mr. Chang's assistant, and why did I bring you here we got an order from our Mafia boss to kidnap you both and kill you," he said. (Laughing his horrible laugh)

"What you said? that "Chang" wants to kill me that I can understand because I kidnapped his best friends daughter (Y/n)
But why does he wants to kill Y/n?" Namjoon asked. (Getting frustrated)

"Haha..! Do you think our boss did care about any of his friend's daughters or even about his friend? The only thing he cares about in this world is the power," Robert told him.

(As Robert was speaking Namjoon's eyes falls on Y/n. She was conscious now and looking towards him. He signaled her to stay at is and again returned his gaze to Robert.)

"If he doesn't care about anyone then what will he get after killing Y/n?" Namjoon asked.

"Our boss wants to kill Y/n just because it will make 'Mafia king' (Y/n's dad) weak and it will become easier to kill him and after killing him our boss will become the next Mafia king," he said.

_ Y/n's POV_

Mr. Chang was my dad's best friend whom, my dad trusted and he wants to kill me and my dad. My whole body got cold and I started sobbing after imagining what Robert just said and tears started falling from my eyes. My eyes again made towards 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' he also shifted his gaze towards me and signaled me to run away. I know that I should run away from here so that I can save my dad but I also can't leave 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' in danger. My mind got stuck I don't know what to do now.

_End of POV_

"Do you think you can kill me? Do even know who I am?" Namjoon asked. (Smirking)

" There is no one here who will stop me from killing you and yes, you are the third most dangerous Mafia "Kim Namjoon" right?" He said.

(Namjoon saw Y/n still sitting on the same spot not moving a single step and she started sobbing which made Namjoon lose his patient)

"Then try to kill you," Namjoon shouted while fighting the people holding him at the same time.

He quickly brought his both hands together which made both the men collide with each other and fall to the ground then he quickly turns to the two men standing behind him and quickly pushed them into the River and at the same time, he managed to open their gun holder with both the hands and took out their guns and shot both of them before they fall into the River. While 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' were fighting with them I saw Robert aiming his gun to shoot 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' and ready to pull the trigger. I immediately stood up and ran towards 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' as Robert pulled the trigger of the gun. I instantly pushed 'Mr. Beautiful eyes' to the another side getting the shot of the bullet Myself. The force of hitting a bullet pushed me backward and I end up falling into the river.


Thank you for reading My Mafia King.

All the events shown above are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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