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_ Namjoon's POV_

Y/n pushed me instantly when I was busy fighting the men. It happened so shortly that I didn't get a single second to understand what is going on. Only one thing that I know was I heard a bullet hitting sound. When I end up falling on the ground I immediately looked at Y/n.
She got a bullet shot at her chest and then she falls into the river right in front of my eyes. My mind was not ready to accept the fact that Y/n got hit by the bullet and falls into the river after a few seconds of realization hit me I quickly stood up and ran towards the edge from where Y/n fall and I was about to jump into the river when I felt arms around me pulling me backward and stopping me from jumping.

_ End of POV_

_ Author's POV_

Namjoon was about to jump into the river to save Y/n but get stopped by the persons holding him backward. When he sees the faces of the persons who are holding him from jumping. They were
His gang mates ( jin, suga, jhope, jimin, tae, jungkook).

After watching their faces Namjoon started tearing up and his condition became miserable. He was still struggling to get free from their grips but they are not giving him any chance to let go. They all are having a hard time after watching Y/n get killed right in front of their eyes but are helpless.

" please leave me I need to save Y/n," Namjoon said. ( Tears falling)

"No, we can't let you go, Namjoon the river flows is very high you will drift away," suga replied.

"Yes, hyung we can't lose you after losing Y/n," jungkook added.

"I think we should leave This place as soon as possible. We don't if that chang's men were hiding anywhere and finding the right time to kill us," jin told everyone.

"Jin hyung you are right that man who shot Y/n is nowhere to see. Let's leave this place," Tae added.

They all left that place taking Namjoon with them.

_3 days later after Y/n's death_

(At jin's house)

(At jin's house)

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