One day before, Party

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*Y/n got up to see this view in the morning

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*Y/n got up to see this view in the morning.*

I opened my eyes and turn on the left side to see Namjoon sleeping without making any noise. He is looking so quiet, handsome, and cute at the same time.
"How lucky will be that girl who will be able to see his beautiful face in the morning every day and he is smart and intelligent too "perfect boyfriend material" I was thinking to myself.

I was staring at him when I remember that I have some work to do. So I quickly get up and went to fresh up and came back after fifteen minutes. I sit in front of the study table and opened my laptop and started working on it as silently as possible to not wake up Namjoon.

Namjoom wake up and start searching for Y/n beside him but saw her sitting on a chair and working on her laptop. "You got up early?" I asked her while rubbing my eyes and sitting on the bed.

"Yes, actually I had some work to do," Y/n replied to him and gave a small smile before going busy again with a laptop.
Her smile touched my heart and I became flustered by seeing it.

"Go get freshen up, we have to go to Jackson Oppa's room for breakfast and we will be going to discuss the further plan there," Y/n said while facing the laptop and still working on it.

"Okay, give me five minutes," Namjoon said and went to the washroom.

After getting freshened up he came back and we both left for Jackson Oppa's room. All the other members were already there waiting for us. We both walked inside the room and grab our breakfast. Sitting on the edge of the bed beside Rosé and Namjoon got himself seated on a chair beside Jin we start discussing our plan.

"We have gotten two invitations one for Rosé and the other one for Namjoon but they can only take their partners with them," Jin informed.

"So I will be going with Rosé and Y/n will be going with Namjoon," Jackson Oppa said.

"Oppa didn't he will recognize me? and ago?" I asked him because Mr. Chang knows that I am dead 4 years ago and he knows that Jackson was my dad's assistant.

"Exactly that's what we want. He will recognize us and will get panic and will do some blunder...," Jackson said.

"and we will get a chance to take our action," Jin continued.

"okay" I replied getting the plan.

   After discussing the whole plan everyone left the room to complete their given task and I also left the room and came back to my room and again start working on my laptop to complete my remaining work.

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