Queen's Comeback

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Flashback -
4 years ago,
After a week Y/n got shot by the bullet.

_ Y/n's POV_

I blinked my eyes a few times before opening them properly to view. The next thing which I got to see is I was lying on the giant master bed. There were two machines kept beside that bed which were attached to my body with the help of injections.

I am still figuring things out when I heard steps coming in my direction and after a little bit of a second, the door opened revealing one figure coming inside the room.

(Approaches towards me)
He is my Oppa.

(Approaches towards me)He is my Oppa

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*Jackson:- Y/n dad's assistant*

"Jackson Oppa why am I here like this?" I asked him. (Concerning)

"Dear, you are awake!.. I so revel now," Jackson said. (Smiling)

Still, I didn't get an answer to my question.

"Oppa tell what I am doing here and why these machines are attached to me?" I said. (Actually shouting)

"Dear calm down, I will tell you everything," he told me. (In a soft voice)

"Okay, then tell me fast," I said curiously.

"Y/n you had been in a coma for last six days and you woke up now," He said.

"What are you telling me... Please stop Oppa it is not at all funny," I told him.

"Dear did you remember you got a bullet shot?" He asked been concerned.

"No Oppa I only remembered that I was at my 20th birthday party and was about to cut the cake and then the light went out after that what happened I didn't remember," I told him.

"That happened one month ago dear did you not remember after that what happened?" He asked. (Shocked)

"No Oppa I tried hard to remember but nothing is coming to my mind. Please tell me what happened after that," I asked getting worried.

"On your 20th birthday, you got kidnapped by someone. Then your father seeks the help of Mr. Chang to find you but I doubted to trust Mr. Chang so I started keeping an eye on him. Many days passed but we could not able find you but I still sense something is wrong happening around your dad so I went to him to check on him if he is alright or not but as took a step inside his cabin his body was lying on the floor covered with his blood and bullets all over his body I checked on his never he was dead...," he told.

I started sobbing and tears escaped my eyes after hearing him. I was feeling like my whole world stopped for a minute.

"What happened to my dad?" I asked. (Sobbing)

He wrapped his arm around my neck and patted my head making me calm down and get away saying.

"Dear, you have to be strong in this situation and you cannot make yourself fall weak now," he said. (Consoling)

"Tell me what happened afterward and who killed my father," I asked him.

"I followed Mr. Chang in my car after watching him leaving our mansion.
He stopped his car in front of a park
and I saw one man approaching his car and sitting in his car they were talking which was not able to hear. So I went near his car to hear them properly.
They were talking about your dear. They knew who kidnapped you and they kidnapped you with your kidnapper and Mr. Chan ordered that man to kill you both I followed that man to find you but I was not able to protect you from getting a shot but after that when you fall into the river I also jump into the river and Luckily able to save you," he told me.

"Thank you, Oppa for saving my life," I said.
"Silly girl I will always save you no matter what you are like my little sister I won't let anyone hurt you," he said. (Chuckled)

My thoughts again remind me that my father is no more and my expression again falls.

"Oppa you mean that all this is done by Mr. Chang that old bast**** I am not gonna spare him for this," she said. (Angrily)

"Yes, that's my dear we will not gonna leave that Chang before he will pay for boss's death," Jackson added.

"Oppa but how?" I asked.
"Leave that on me," he said. (smirk)

Flashback Ends__________________________

_ Present day_

* Y/n's Aesthetics now*

    (Yeah exactly my readers you are seeing correct these are your aesthetic)

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    (Yeah exactly my readers you are seeing correct these are your aesthetic)

So yup Jackson Oppa trained me past 4 years in everything necessary to the mafia world. Now I am ready to hit my target.

_ Meanwhile at Jin's house_

Namjoon trying to convince others that he saw Y/n at the hotel when he went to kill Robert.

"Jin hyung trust me there was Y/n in that room with me," he said. (Looking towards everyone)

"Namjoon how can Y/n be there she is not anymore," Jin replied. (Worried)

"You guys won't believe me until I show you some proof. Give me some time I will prove it to you," he said. (Confident)

*Leaving that room*

_ Namjoon's POV_

How will I proof them that Y/n is alive think Namjoon?... Get some help from your sexy brain Namjoon...wait I am recalling every moment I spent with Y/n till now. Wait I think I found something...that day when Y/n got shot how did my gang members find me. They didn't know my location. I think I am getting some hints now. (smirked)


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All the events shown above are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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