mafia House

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Because of the sun's rays shining on my face, I woke up to see that I am not in my room. It occurs that I am not at the right place. Where I am? And why I am here? I was thinking to myself. I decided to go back to my house and stood up from the bed. Quickly went to the door unlocked it and opened it. I was about to walk outside when I get a dump into someone which causes us both to lose our balance and we tripped. I closed my eyes excepting hard landing but end up falling on the person whom I just dumped and end up kissing him. I opened my eyes to see whom I kissing. It is the same person from last night who drugged me. I was shocked and broke the kiss when someone interrupted two handsome boys who came in our direction and got surprised by the scene in front of them. 

One of them got shocked and said, Hyung! What are you doing? another one cut him saying, Tae let them enjoy we must leave. By the way, we are here to call you for breakfast. You both can come when you are done. They both got disappeared without listening to our side. I again turn to look at the person on whom I fell. I was looking straight into his eyes without even blinking. They were so beautiful that I can't able to take my eyes off them. I continue to stare at them until his voice brings me back to reality. hey, are you going to stay like this whole day he said.

* he is referring to the position. Your body is still over him.*

I came to my sense and instantly got up from him. I am not getting the right words to say when he broke the silence. Let's go for breakfast others are waiting he said. For that moment I can't able to think about anything and just followed him to the kitchen. Six men were waiting for us. I am taking time to process this is all when someone taps on my shoulder l turn to look. one person was giving me a bunny smile I also smiled back at him. He begins to speak, hi Y/N myself jungkook I am a hacker of this group and they are Jimin and tea marksmen of our group and the one who is busy on his phone is suga fighter and the one who is cooking is our boss assistant jin and one who is giving you bright smile is Jhope he is an engineer and fastest driver of our group. All are giving me small smiles except suga who was busy on his phone and "Mr. Beautiful eyes" standing beside me.

* "Mr. Beautiful eyes" is the name you have given to that person whom you just dumped because till now you don't know his name.*

without even thinking for once I asked jungkook, what is "Mr. Beautiful eyes" name? Pointing towards him. All got surprised by my phrases. Jimin interrupted saying, so you want to know the person's name whom you just kissed, In a teasing manner. Suga who was looking at his phone stopped and start glancing at me. Jin was in shock unless Tae broke the awkward silence, what did you say "Mr. Beautiful eyes"? When did you give that name to our boss? He asked. Now I am regretting what the hell did I split out he is their boss. Then jungkook told me that Mr. Beautiful eyes name is Namjoon and he is their boss.

Jhope invited me to have breakfast with them. I agree and took a seat beside jungkook and on the other side Tae. I was still not getting the whole situation so I decided to ask them. Jhope why I am here I asked. He replied me saying, we can't tell you the exact reason but you are here because we kidnapped you and we are your dad's enemy. After listening to the word kidnapped my brain got stuck.

* what did he said kidnapped? My dad must be worried about me but I feeling excited because finally, I can live without that bodyguard around me. I can do what I want to do without my father's restrictions. I can tell seeing them they will not do any harm to me unless they will get to meet my dad. I know my dad very well he will go to find me as soon as possible but till then I can enjoy my life to the fullest.*

I was lost in my thoughts until Tae tap on my shoulder and said, Y/N are you listening to us. Don't be scared we won't harm you because we are your dad's enemy, not yours. They were thinking that I got scared because of my kidnapping, but I was excited. So I just smile and said, No I am not scared. I am excited. They all got surprised to see me excited. Jin asked me in confusion, what you are excited about your kidnapping?
I nodded. Suga interrupted saying, Namjoon what you injected into her last night I think she has gone crazy. Jimin cut him by saying, suga Hyung keep quiet, and asked me, Y/N why are you excited about your kidnapping? I told them that since I was a child I was accompanied by the bodyguard wherever I go and it is frustrating. My Father always kept me in tight security because of which I can't able to live my life my way but now I can because you kidnapped me.

Jungkook give me small smile and said you must be like a bird in the cage. I nodded and again asked them in excitement, but tell me how did you guys able to kidnapped me there was full security. Tea gave me a big smile before speaking, I will tell you first jungkook hacked all the security cameras. Then we entered the mansion I and Jimin went to the parking lot and turned the switch off after few minutes our boss came out holding you in his arm suga Hyung and jin Hyung cleared the backdoor for us and we were able to get out of the mansion. Jhope Hyung was waiting for us outside the mansion with his car and we drove away.



All these events are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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