Last Meet

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After reaching the party when I saw Jackson Oppa and Rosé waiting for us at the entrance. Jin Hyung Open the car's door for me and Namjoon gestures me to hold his hand for coming outside the car.

And I placed my hand in his coming out of the car and after that also he didn't let go of my hand and walked towards Rosé and Jackson Oppa

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And I placed my hand in his coming out of the car and after that also he didn't let go of my hand and walked towards Rosé and Jackson Oppa. I don't know why but I started to feel safe while Namjoon was holding my hand.

We all entered the party Venu after getting checked our invitation and ourselves by the security.

Till now there is no sign of Mr. Chang at the party. There was the whole underworld present at the club. I was searching for Mr. Chang when I heard Namjoon whisper something to me.

"You are looking so pretty," Namjoon whispered to me. I turn to look at him and there he is showing me his dimple smile.

"Thank you, you are also looking stunning," I replied to him and returned his smile.

We both were busy giving complement to each other when Mr. Chang entered the club. Namjoon signals to Jackson Oppa and he came beside us to stand with Rosé. I am excited to see his facial expression after watching me alive.

"Let's go to his last meet," Namjoon said while smirking and gripping my hand closed.

"Yes, let's do it!" Jackson Oppa replied and we all walked towards Mr. Chang.
Namjoon stopped right in front of him and said "Mr. Chang thanks for inviting me and my girlfriend Y/n," Namjoon said while gesturing for me to stand with him, and I stood beside him.

"Happy Birthday Uncle," I said while faking the smile. He got a panic attack by watching me alive as we planned and got halted at the spot when Jackson Oppa appeared.

"Long time no see! Mr. Chang," Jackson Oppa said while smirking at Mr. Chang.

"Boys get them," Mr. Chang orders his mens to catch us but before they can put their fingers on us the whole venue is enveloped with thick smoke.

_ Namjoon's POV_

When Mr. Chang got shocked by seeing
Y/n is alive I signaled Jackson and we both take out Y/n's and Rosé's hairpin in which we have fitted a smoke bomb. Jackson threw one hairpin at the entrance and the other one is in my hand and I quickly Operated them both when Mr. Chang Order his men.

In a minute whole club is covered with thick smoke and nobody was able to see anything except me, Jackson, and my gang members because we were wearing special glass through which we can able to see everything.

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