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_Namjoon's POV_

After I entered the meeting room I got to know about the whole situation because of which jhope came to search for me. The situation is that Mr. Chang (2nd most dangerous Mafia and also) Y/n's dad's friend is keeping eye on us and our every move and planning to attack us. they are also found out that Y/n is with us. So they can take action anytime. Now we are deciding what to do next.

_ End Of POV_

After thinking for a few minutes jin opens his mouth to speak, Namjoona there are only two things we can do now first one; to wait for them to come and kill them all or; to hide Y/n from them. What do you want to do? Namjoon answered l think it is not the correct time to kill anyone whether it is Mr. Chang or Y/n's dad because there is something which we don't know about this case. Till then we can't kill anyone so I will go for the second option (to hide Y/n). Tae interrupted saying, but how? We will need a plan for this. Jimin agreed with him, exactly. Jin again begins to speak, I have one idea what if we will trick them and take Y/n to some other place. Jungkook cut him saying, Nice one Jin hyung we can do that by splitting up and we will need two girls for it. Tae joined him saying, not we need jimin and suga hyung (in a teasing tone) jimin interrupted him, What are you trying to say Tae! Jhope cleared what Taehyung is trying to say, he is saying that Jimin and suga have to get dressed as girls and I think it is the best way to distract them.

*All eyes were on Suga and Jimin to know their answers.*

Suga takes a few minutes before speaking up, Okay, I will get dressed as a girl only because of Y/n because I think she is like my little sister so I am okay with it. jimin also got agree with it saying, If suga hyung is ready to do then I too.

Again Jhope being to speak, Okay then suga and Jin Hyung will be in My Car and we will leave the mansion first because I think they cannot reach my speed in cars (smirked). Jungkook instantly speaks up, okay, then I will be taking jimin and Taehyung in My car after you but In Opposite directions to you. If there will be any more men who were keeping eye on us they will follow us. After listening to this Namjoon told them, great if you guys will distract them then I will find the correct time and take Y/n with me to Rosé 's house, and our next meeting will happen there. Everyone starts working on a plan we don't have time to waste meeting dismissed.

*All leave the meeting room.*

*Rosé Namjoon's cousin sister is also part of the Mafia family and supplier of guns and other shooting materials

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*Rosé Namjoon's cousin sister is also part of the Mafia family and supplier of guns and other shooting materials.*

_Namjoon's POV_

Leaving the meeting room I go to look for Y/n and I remember I gave her some work so she must be in the information room. I immediately went to the information room and opened the door to see Y/n sleeping peacefully resting her head on one open file and surrounding by files all around. Which brought a smile to my face. she is looking so cute while sleeping silently. I walked towards her and set beside her. There were few hair strains on her face which are hiding her cute face so I just put them behind her ear. She sleeps like a small baby (chuckling). After few minutes I realized that I have to take Y/n and leave the mansion as soon as possible because jhope and jungkook are already left. So I tried to wake up Y/n, Y/n wake up we need to leave but she didn't wake up. I again tried to wake her up this time I shake her a little bit but instead of waking up, she wrapped her both hands around my neck while saying, Mr. Beautiful eyes please let me sleep. Still, her eyes are closed, and then she falls asleep on my chest. Which made me flinched and I started to hear my heart beating faster. Don't know what is happening to me but first I need to leave this place and I don't think I will be able to win against this girl so you sleep I have another way to take you with me. I hold her in my arms in bridal style and walked straight to my car put her beside the driver's seat and locked her seat belt making sure not to wake her up. I also got seated in the driver's seat and drove away.

After reaching Rosé's house I checked on Y/n who is still sleeping. I walked out of the car and open the door of Y/n making sure not to wake her up. I unlocked her seat belt not making any sound and again picked her up in bridal style and went inside the house. As I entered the house Rosé was standing to welcome me but get surprised by seeing Y/n in my arms and about to speak But I signaled her to keep quiet and went to the guest room directly. I laid Y/n on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Seeing her face again reminds me that she lied to me today but why did you lie to me Y/n I still don't know. I didn't know that I spoke that out loud when Y/n answered me saying, I lied to you because I don't want to meet your eyes. After all, If I meet your eyes I will fall for you. She is talking in sleep but what I just heard made me shocked but inside I was feeling happy don't know why. I asked her why do you like my eyes? she replied, your eyes...they are very beautiful and deep they hide your emotions whenever I look into them I can't able to take my eyes off them.

*you are answering all the questions of Namjoon in sleep. You are sleep talking with him.*

After hearing her answer I began to blush. this is what she is thinking of me (chuckling) and I thought she was scared of me but she was running from not falling for me but it made me a little sad to know. Again, I don't know why I am feeling this.

_ Namjoon's POV End _


All the events are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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