That's How It Is

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I can't let her go this time. This is the perfect time I can convince her to stay with me in a relationship.

I will not gonna leave a single chance to make you stay close to me Y/n and thinking that I grabbed her wrist from behind and stop her from going.

"Y/n, please listen to me for one time", I said making a sad face.

" what happened?" She replied facing me.

I turn to look at him when he asked me to listen to him and got to see his sad face which is now making me a little bit worried for him. Don't know why?

"Could you please help me to get my love back? Only you can help me in getting my love back," I said staring at her.

What he said made my heart go racing and after observing his eyes I was able to see how much pain he is hiding inside because of losing his beloved for one time.

"Okay", I said. Don't know how it came out of my mouth.

"But how can I help you?", I asked him being curious.

"You have to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of others. Don't get angry you just have to be my fake girlfriend till my lover shows up in front of us." He said without any hesitation.

I can't pretend to be his girlfriend in front of everyone. I have not got in a single relationship till now. How can I do this? "I can't, I have never been in a relationship till now sorry," I said feeling helpless.

"You don't have to take any tension for it, I will handle everything just, please agree with me," he requested me this time.

I can see the truth in his eyes so without arguing with him I get agree with him.

"Okay, but I have one condition you will never take my advantage and will not touch me without my concern okay?" I claimed my condition.

"Okay done", he replied again showing his dimple smile.

He can make anyone fall for him just by showing his illegal dimple smile and his admirable dark brown eyes which are a very attractive feature for him if I get a chance I can stare at them the whole day.

I was wholly drawn in his eyes until he brought me back to reality.

"Y/n-ah you will have to keep it a secret from everyone that you are my fake girlfriend okay?", he said looking at me.

" Okay ", I said.

" Y/n I...", he said and his phone began to ring.

I quickly checked my phone it is a text message from Rosé saying...
"Come home quick Jackson has something important to tell you."

I told Y/n about the text messages and then went to pay for dresses and then left for the home.

After reaching the home everyone was waiting for me and Y/n in the meeting room to start the discussion.

We both entered the meeting room and took our seats and then Jackson started the discussion...

"See this", Jackson said sliding two envelopes towards me on the table.

I pick it up and open it to see, it is an invitation to a celebration. I opened it properly and started reading it. My eyes winded when I read that the invention is from "Mr. Chang" our enemy and about his 70th birthday party.

"That old man invited us!" Namjoon said smirking.

What is going inside his head? Y/n is thinking of looking at Namjoon.

"What do you think of this?", Jackson asked him.

"I don't know but no person will invite his enemy to his party to invite danger," he said thinking straight.

"Right, as far as I know, he is a very tricky person he will not gonna do anything which will not gain him any profit," Jackson told him.

"Whose name is on these invitations?" He asked.

"Rosé and your boss," Jungkook answered.

"So his targets are you too," Jimin interrupted pointing towards Rosé and Namjoon.

"But there is also one good thing," Jin said looking towards Jackson Oppa and signaling him something.

"I got it... this will be our chance to kill him," Jackson said getting Jin's signal.

"It will be a chance because you will be very close to him at the party and..." Jhope was speaking until suga interrupted.

"And there will be other mafia leaders too so no one will know who killed mafia king," suga said completing Jhope.

"But how???" Tae asked being curious.

Y/n was listening to everyone as they were discussing that invitation and got curious to know-how will we gonna take our revenge on the Mafia king Mr. Chang.

"We have a plan," Rosé said smiling at Jackson Oppa at which he smiled back.

"What is going on between you two? tell us," Y/n said out of curiosity.

"We have planned everything already and Jackson will tell you about the whole plan," Rosé said.

"But how did you guys plan this?" I again asked but this time Namjoon answered my question.

"Because we already knew that we will be getting invitations," Namjoon said.

"Yes, dear we know about this because I have my connection with someone people who worked with Mr. Chang," Jackson Oppa said while looking at me.

"Okay," I said.

"What is the plan?" Yoongi asked in his cold voice.

"So the plan is we will be kidnapping him from there and we will take him to some unknown place and kill him that simple," Jackson Oppa told them.

"What are you saying is we have to kidnap him from that party, In front of lots of people?" Jungkook asked him.

"Yes, you guys are kidnapping specialists! Come on don't you guys remember in past you have kidnapped Mafia King's important person?" Jackson Oppa said recalling them about some incident.

"We will do it! Everyone gets ready with your luggage we will be leaving for the airport in half an hour," Namjoon said that looking at everyone present in the room.


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All the above events are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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