Final Chapter

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She is pointing a gun at me and asked me if I kidnapped her and I nodded in agreement. I didn't do anything because I knew that, that gun doesn't have a bullet in it. Since she fired all the bullets at Mr. Chang.

When I was distracting him by pointing a gun at him. I injected medications into his body through injection injecting on his neck.

"It is my turn to take revenge now My Mafia King," I whispered to Namjoon and he passed out and fall over me resting his head on my shoulder.

After taking a long sleep I finally opened my eyes and see that I am laying on the bed at my own house and in my room.
Y/n is not in my room when I searched for her in the room. So I begin to call her "Y/n-ahh where are you?".

And got a reply saying "Wait There! I am coming," she said and open the door of my room. I walked towards Namjoon holding a cake in my hand. "Come sit here," I told him while gesturing for him to sit beside me on the bed.

I listened to her and sit beside her on the bed. "What are you trying to do Y/n?" he is confused "And how did you bring me here?" He said.

Y/n silent him by putting a finger on his lips. "Shiii... I will tell you everything but first taste this cake I have made for you!" she said smiling at him.

I just nodded to her and then picked up a spoon from that plate and took a spoonful of cake and have it. "it is so delicious!" Namjoon said while enjoying the cake.

I am happy to see him enjoying the cake I made for him. "Thank you! Mr. Beautiful eyes," I said while cupping his both cheeks in my hand.

Namjoon becomes shocked after listening to me. I wanted to confirm what I have heard. "What did you say?" He asked me.

"I said, 'thank you, Mr. Beautiful eyes' yes you heard it correctly Mr. Beautiful eyes," I told him. meeting his eyes.

"What?!," he grabbed me by my waist lifting me in the air and rotating three-sixty degrees, "you remember me!" Namjoon said.

After a few seconds, he put me down on the ground back and hugged me tightly.
I returned his hug.

"I Missed you, Mr. Beautiful eyes," I said pulling away from him.

He let go of me. "I Missed you more Y/n," he told. "But first tell me how? When? And where did you regain your memory?" Holding my hand he walked towards the bed set on it and made me sit on his lap, "Come on tell me everything." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"When I was studying your case I found one handwritten report in it and I read it. It was in the same handwriting as mine and there was also my signature on it. So began to read it two-three times. Then some flashback images surrounded my vision and after a minute I remembered everything," I explained to him.

"Then why you ain't told me, then?" He asked.

"You were busy with planning an attack on Mr. Chang," I wrapped my arms around his neck, "and I didn't want to distract you that time," I said. Some old memories came inside my head and I begins to smile.

Moving his eyebrows upward. " What are you thinking Y/n?" Namjoon asked.

"You are so cute! Mr. Beautiful eyes," she said.

I begin to think about what made her say that. "And why did you say that?" I asked her.

"You remember when I pulled you on the bed that night you were trying to run away from me," I said recalling the incident.

"You were awake! That time?" Namjoon was surprised and quickly started to smirk, "I will not gonna move away from you now, " I told her pulling her close to me.

We both were meeting each other eyes when I said, "I know." Smiling at him.

Meeting her eyes I confessed my feelings for her. "I love you," Namjoon said.

"That too I know," I pulled Namjoon by his caller and kissed him, "I love you too Mr. Beautiful eyes," I told him breaking the kiss.

She confessed to me after breaking the kiss and I quickly placed my hand behind her neck pulling her in a passionate kiss and she also returned my kiss.

_ The end _


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All the events are fictional, please don't take them seriously.

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