Flight To Fight

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_Namjoon's POV _

Everyone was busy discussing the plan when I booked everyone's flight tickets online to Daegu because the party will be held in Daegu Mr. Chang's hometown.

"Everyone gets yourself ready with your luggage we will be leaving for the airport in just half an hour," I said looking toward everyone.

They were wholly confused about what I am talking so I explained them. "We have to take a flight to Daegu because of the party... And we only have two days left to plan everything so we can't waste time.
I want everyone at the main entrance in half an hour," I said, and with that everyone got disappeared with the seep of light to pack their luggage.

_ End Of POV _

_ At Daegu _

After reaching Daegu we went to a hotel to book our rooms stay. The hotel receptionist asked us how many rooms we want and Namjoon turns to look at me.

"What?" I asked him.

But got interrupted by Jackson Oppa "I will share a room with Rosé he said."

"Y/n will be going to stay in my room," Namjoon stated without even asking me.

All turned to look at me and I was standing there surprised. "I am no..." Before I can complete my sentence Namjoon whispered something to my ear.

"Remember you have to pretend to be my girlfriend," is what he whispered.
The only thing I said after that is "okay".

All were shocked by my answer and looked at me with a weird expressions like Wanting an explanation from me.

Just to make this situation a little less awkward I said that Namjoon wants to stay with me to just protect me.

"No, she is my girlfriend," Namjoon stated and pulled me close to him by my wrist.

He told everyone that and again I became speechless but before I can explain to them what was going on. Namjoon drag me along with him to our shared room.

He told me on our way that "Y/n-ah you don't have to explain to them what's going between us" and open the door by punching the card.

"You told everyone! Without even discussing it with me, why? I asked him getting inside the room frustrated.

"Because I want that girl to know that I have you now as my girlfriend and you agreed to help me. Now you can't back down," Namjoon said making Y/n silent.

"Okay, I have some work to do with Jackson Oppa so I will come back in an hour," I said leaving Namjoon alone in the room.

I walked to Jackson Oppa's room and knocked on the door "Oppa it's me Y/n," I said and after a minute Oppa open the door asking me "Dear come inside and tell me what do want?".

I quickly walked inside the room and asked him "Oppa you told me about Namjoon's parent's murder case right and I just want that case document and every detail about it. Can you please give me?" I asked him.

"Dear, why did you want that?" Jackson asked.

"Oppa I am just curious. Please," I requested him while making puppy eyes, and he falls for it. "Okay, here these are the files which contain every detail and evidence regarding that case," Jackson Oppa said while handing me some files.

After taking the files I quickly left Jackson Oppa's room because I don't want to disturb Rosé as she was sleeping.

I made my way to the garden of the hotel and found a peaceful spot under a tree and made myself sit down on the ground and put the case files beside me. I picked up a file and started reading the case.

I went to my room after completing reading all the files and returning them to Jackson Oppa. It is almost evening when I knocked on the door because it was locked and in a second the door got open. There is Suga, Jhope standing in the doorway.

Before I can able to speak "We are going," they both said and left the room. I took my steps inside the room and saw Namjoon working on something. When I walked near him to see it clear it was a Blueprint of some building.

"Is it where the party will take place?" I asked him.

"You know to read maps?" I asked Y/n when she understood what I am reading.
"Yes, Oppa taught me," I replied.

I am impressed, Jackson trained her very well Namjoon thinking to himself. "Can I help?" Y/n interrupted him.

"Yes, please," I said. I don't require anyone's help in this but if in that case
Y/n will be spending time with me then it's great.

We discussed the whole map and our plan without caring about the time until it is time for dinner and my stomach growled out of hungry.

"Let's order our dinner in the room," Namjoon said after listening to Y/n's stomach growl.

"Yeah, please I am hungry," I replied.

Namjoon ordered dinner in the room and after half an hour our order arrived in the room. We both had our dinner and again began to discuss some remaining things.

_ After 15 minutes _

Namjoon walked inside the room from the balcony while speaking on the call and saw Y/n fall asleep and quickly ended the call.

I walked towards her. She is fast asleep and I knew I will not be able to wake her up to tell her to sleep on the bed. So I wrapped my arm around her waist and the other one to hold her legs and picked her up in bridal style.

She instantly wrapped her arms around my neck and make her head rest on my chest making herself comfortable. I walk near the bed and placed her on the bed. I was pulling my hand away from her after laying her down when she pulled me on the bed.

Y/n pulled me towards her making me fall on the bed beside her. She quickly slides close to me while wrapping me in a hug. She put her arm around my waist and her leg over my legs. Her face was very close to mine and she whispered "please let me sleep," while her eyes closed.

I understand she is again sleeping talking but I am controlling myself very badly I will ain't fall asleep like this. So I tried moving away from her but she pulled me close to her and now I can feel her lips touching my neck.

A chilling sensation crawl down my spine when she moved her soft lips while saying "do not dare to move otherwise I will kill you! Let me sleep," she said.

"Wow, this girl is threatening me while sleeping also and tanking my advantage too. She is still crazy as always," I thought to myself while controlling myself badly.

She again started snuggling into my chest and moved her face away from my neck but still close to me and fall into a deep sleep. I don't know when I also fell asleep while staring at her face.


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All the above events are fictional, please don't take them seriously. 

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