Chapter 1

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Dixie POV: Hi my name is Dixie Jane D'Amelio. Most of you may know me as "the bookworm," "the highschool nerd," "the loner" and honestly I would agree with you. I wasn't always like that, I used to have a bunch of friends but ever since my mom died when I was 13 everything went downhill ever since.

My dad works very hard to provide for My sister Charli and I but he's not around much because of work. I will say though he try's his best and always is there for me or Charli. Addison is my only friend other than Charli, actually They both are my best friends.

I do my best in school but I do struggle with mental health issues. I've gone to a therapist before but I wouldn't say a word so my father figured it wasn't going to help me if I refused to talk to the people that want to help me. I struggle with severe anxiety and depression. I will say though my depression has gotten better since I have been taking anti-depression medication. On the other hand my anxiety has not improved.

I am a virgin and I don't think anyone knows because I'm very closed off. I got my very first period when I was 13 and I was terrified. That was the one thing that my dad had some trouble educating me on along with the topic of sex.

In school I get made fun of a lot for the way I look and that I take school seriously. I've been called "skeleton", "bone girl" and many more. I've heard them all. I'm a very Pettit person and every time I look in the mirror I don't like what I see, I guess you could say I don't like the way my body is at all. I wished I had the big boobs and the big ass because that's what all the guys like and that's how Addison and Charli both have boyfriends. Or at least I think that's how they have boyfriends, I wouldn't know because I've never had a boyfriend before.

Noah beck. The topic of him just makes me sad, angry,  and insecure. It all started freshman year of high school when him and his little gang started bullying me. He's the most popular guy in school, I guarantee you he's slept with almost every girl in school. He always finds a way to make me feel bad about my self and embarrass me. Am I surprised? No. He's the captain of the high school soccer team. Every girl thinks he's stupid hot because he has a 6 pack but honestly I don't think it's hot that he bully's me but whatever, nothing I can do about it.

I only have one more year of dealing with his shit then I'll be off to ucla to follow my dreams. Last year of high school I can't wait to graduate! That's probably the one positive thing in my life right now but I'm not going to let people like Noah Beck to hold me back this year or at least try too.

Noah's POV: Hi my name is Noah Timothy Beck. I guess you could say that I'm the most popular guy in school, I am the captain of the soccer team. I grew up with 2 older sisters Tatum and Haley. My mom is a stay at home mom and my dad owns Beck law firm.

I would say that we are a pretty wealthy family. I grew up playing soccer my whole life and I have a passion for it. I found it very stressful to choose a university to go to because I had so many to choose from. I made the decision to go to ucla because it was close to home.

Ever since freshman year I've had this huge crush on Dixie. She is just so beautiful, her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her long black flowy hair. I think I'm in love with her, wait no I can't be. I started picking on Dixie to try to make my feeling towards her go away but honestly it just made them stronger. I couldn't just all of a sudden just stop being mean to her It wouldn't make sense because I've been doing it for so long.

I'm kinda sad that this is my last year of highschool because I'll probably never see Dixie again. She will probably be off to university and I'll be going to ucla to become a professional soccer player.

I care so much about my fitness and health. I always make sure what I put into my body is safe. Witch means no drugs, no steroids, no smoking or vaping or no alcohol.

Believe it or not I've never actually had sex before, of course I've made out with many girls but most of the time I just finger them and they seem to enjoy it. I think having sex is a emotional and memorable thing and you only get to loose your virginity once. I know that all the high school girls that just use me for my looks and body,will not be in my life long term and I want to wait to have sex with my forever person.

I think I've already found my forever person but I just need to find a way for her to actually want to talk to me. If I'm being honest I'm waiting to have sex for Dixie, she's just different from all the other girls. I will do what ever it takes for that girl, my mom always told me when you know, you know.

I've decided that my last year of highschool I'm going to make the most of it and to start that I'm going to stop making fun of her.

On the other hand is my grades. They aren't the best and I'm failing math. I need to get over 80 on all my final exams to keep my scholarship at ucla, I have no idea how I'm going to do that since I can barely pull 60's. My parents suggested I get a tutor but I shut them down immediately, do you not know how embarrassing that would've been if anyone found out that the most popular guy in school has a tutor. I'm prepared to become a different person this year!

Author's note:

Hi guys, this is my very first chapter of my very first book! I hope you liked it I know it's not the best but I'll get better over time. This chapter is kinda just like the backstory to Dixie and Noah I promise the next chapter is when the story line actually starts! I hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1135

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