Chapter 21

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Dixie's POV: I was over at Noah's house and he was playing video games. He asked me to come over, but he just continues to play. I'm feeling like he isn't acknowledging that I'm here. I'm just sitting in his bed waiting, but I have no idea how much longer I'm going to be waiting. "Noah, Noah are you even listening to me?" I ask him. I was getting frustrated. "Huh, yeah what?" He said back, I don't even think he was paying attention to me. "I'm gunna go, you invite me over here and you have your eyes glued to the game." I said to him. "What don't go, please stay" Noah said as he wad running down the stairs chasing after me.

"I CAME OVER HERE TO SPEND QUALITY TIME WITY MY BOYFRIEND, ALL WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IS PLAY A DUMB GAME, FOR FUCK SAKE NOAH, I DONT EVEN THINK YOU TRIED HAVING A CONVERSATION WITH ME, I GUESS THAT GAME IS MORE IMPORTANT THEN ME. SO YES IM LEAVING." I was now shouting at him. I was really upset. I could've spent this time cleaning my room if he wasn't going to pay attention to me. "Baby, I'm sorry, your a million times more important then the game." Noah said to me I was still furious. "Oh yeah, it shows so much, leave me alone I'm leaving." I said then walked out of his house and ran to my home, walked up the stairs to my room and I made sure to fully close my blinds so he couldn't see me from my room.

Noah's POV: I fucked up, I am such a idiot. I tried texting and calling Dixie and she doesn't answer. I think I left her 100 voice mails. I even went to her front door. She wouldn't answer. I sat on the porch swing and I'll wait here until she comes out. We never get into serious arguments where we ignore each other. A few hours pass by and she still hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. I left to the store to go and buy her a bouquet of flowers and some of her favourite snacks. I got back to her house and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered, so I rang it again. I finally heard someone coming down the stairs. Charli opened the door.

"Hi, char is Dixie here?" I asked her. "No she doesn't want to talk to you, you made her feel worthless." Charli told me. My heart broke, I did that, I made her feel that way. "Can you let me talk to her please?" I asked Charli all what I wanted is to apologize. "I said no." Charli said. I was so mad and sad at the same time. "Can you at least tell her that I'm really sorry, and I bought her some stuff, please char she won't answer any of my calls or texts." I just wanted to apologize. "Fine." Charli said.

She let me into the house and I ran up the stairs to Dixie's room. She was crying on her bed. "Dixie I'm so sorry, I fucked up, there is no one to blame but me. I shouldn't have done that. I don't want you to think that you are worthless because I would die for you right now if I had too. You are my entire world, I don't know why I was being such a dick earlier, there isn't an excuse for what I did, and I'm sorry." I told Dixie truthfully. I felt like such an asshole.

She didn't say anything she just continued to cry, I didn't know if she wanted me to leave her alone or comfort her. She was still crying but then she crawled in my lap and I gave her a big hug. "I'm so sorry baby" I whispered in her ear. She didn't respond she just hugged me tighter. Dixie then spoke up and said "I'm Sorry for not answering your calls or texts." She looked down. I brought her chin up with my hand and said "don't be sorry, I deserved it. I love you more then anything in this world." I kissed Dixie and she kissed back, then we just sat there hugged in her bed.

I look over and see Charli standing at the door frame. "AWWWWWW" she said. I wonder how long she was there for. Dixie and I both look at her. Then Dixie looks back at me and just hugged me. I missed my girlfriend. I showed Dixie was I bought her and she was happy. For the rest of the day we watched greys and cuddled.


Dixie's POV: it was lunch time and I was eating lunch with Noah, Charli, chase, Bryce and Addison. I spoke up and said "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Everyone nodded and I gave Noah a quick peck. I walked into the bathroom stall and started to pee, I hear footsteps come in and I thought nothing of it, I mean it's a public bathroom anyone can use it. I hear a few girls laughing and talking and they were all standing near the bathroom mirror.

I hear one girl say "I can't believe the hottest guy in school is dating a scrub like Dixie D'Amelio, did you see the size of her boobs, what does Noah see in her that makes her more special then us." My eyes started to become teary eyed. I don't think they realized I was in the bathroom too because they kept talking. "What boobs? The girl has none." I heard one girl said they all started laughing. Then I heard another girl say "she probably buys her bras from a kids store, you know the little training bras that 11 year olds wear." They all start laughing even more.

Tears escaped from my eyes, I was trying to stay  as silent as possible. Then I heard the same girl from before say "she probably doesn't even wear a bra, she's flat as a pancake." I was honestly just so sad, Noah tells I'm the most beautiful girl on the planet but what if these girls are right. So I got up from the toilet and unlocked the door and walked out of the stall, went over to the sink shoving one of them to wash my hands. There mouth's dropped because I don't think they realized I was in there listening the whole time. I was so hurt.

I quickly ran out of there, I was already gone for so long so I had to go back to my table. I think my eyes were a bit puffy from crying and my cheeks were stained a bit. I go and sit down next to Noah and leaned my head on his shoulder. I think he could tell something was wrong. He put his hand on my thigh and was rubbing it slowly in a non sexual way. He bent down a little bit and whispered in my ear and said "is everything ok my love?" I nodded my head no.

If I started talking I probably would just start breaking down in front of the whole school. Noah spoke up and said "I have to go get something from my locker, babe do you want to come? I just said sure quietly. He grabbed my hand and walked out of the cafeteria with me. We went out in the hallway. "Babygirl what's wrong, I don't like seeing you sad." I started lightly crying and managed to say "I was in the bathroom and Amelie, mads and nessa were talking about me in the bathroom, they were making fun of the way I look.... they were saying how they think that I go to a kids store to buy bras that 11 year olds wear because I don't have boobs." I didn't want to go into detail about it because I would probably start crying and wouldn't be able to stop and I'm not doing that at school. Noah understood what I was trying to say. I was just crying into his chest.

Noah's POV: I was honestly so mad. "Baby, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, those are the types of girls that are just jealous, they make you think that you don't have boobs, but you do, I know that you do and I think that they are perfect. I love you so much please stop letting people like them bring you down." She was still crying into my chest. I felt so bad, she always gets made fun of.

Amelie POV: I was getting stuff from my locked after the whole thing that happened in the bathroom. I look over to my left and see Dixie crying into Noah's chest. I heard every word that they said to each other. It honestly wasn't like me to act like this and make fun of people. Noah was right I was jealous, I wasn't jealous that she had Noah, I was jealous that she had someone who loves her, who she can talk too, who always makes her feel better and is there for her. I felt bad for doing it but I only did because i need to stay friends with mads and nessa.

Authors note: This is a longer chapter, hope you enjoyed! Btw this is a fake story I don't actually know mads, nessa or Amelie. They are only mean in the story for the sake of the story. Don't take it personally! More chapters coming today!

Word count: 1619

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