Chapter 23

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Dixie POV: I was sitting in the ambulance for Noah, he looked scared to death. He had many different IV's and tubes in him. They think that the fall was more then just a broken leg. I was holding his hand and telling him it's going to be okay but honestly I don't even know myself if it's going to be ok. My boyfriend didn't deserve this. His ankle is so swollen and really bruised. Well he has a lot of bruises right now, but I'm just praying for the best right now. I cam see the hear in his eyes.

Noah's POV: I was in the ambulance and I was so scared. I was trying to stay strong for Dixie, but I was in so much pain.
They literally stuck a tube in me, okay they didn't do it like that but they made a incision and put a tube in my arm pit, so they could flush out my system because I most likely will need to go into surgery. Normally they do it another way but since I can't move they had to do it in my arm pit. That hurt so fucking bad. I sense that we arrived at the hospital because the ambulance stoped moving. I see the doors open and there is a huge crowd of doctors. I was more nervous for Dixie because she has anxiety. I didn't want her to have a panic attack especially since I won't be able to help her.

I say to one of the nurses that are wheeling me in "please watch out for my girlfriend she has bad anxiety and she can have severe panic attacks." She nurse nodded and continued to roll me in. I could see through the corner of my eye Dixie arguing with the doctors to let her in the room that I'm in. My heart broke. I hear one of the doctors say "1,2,3 go" they moved me to another bed and I just started screaming. I don't know what happened but it hurts way to much to move.

"Sir do you know what your name is?" Another doctor asked me. "M-my girlfriend where is she? I need her, I want to see her." I heard them ask me if I knew my name but ignored them I needed to see Dixie. "Do you remember your girlfriends name?" The doctor asked me. "Y-yes her name is Dixie. I need to see her." I said to them. I overhear the doctors saying that I'm responsive and aware of my surroundings. Most of the doctors have left by now. They told me that they are going to take x-rays, and a MRI scan then I can see Dixie. Moving from bed to bed hurt like a bitch. I finally got back into my room. I see a nurse walk with Dixie.

I was in a better state of mind then I was when I fell on the field. The pain was the same, but I was more put together. "Baby?!" I say to Dixie she comes running in the room and goes to sit beside me, she wouldn't let go of my hand, not that I'm complaining though. The doctor walked in with all my x-ray results. The doctor started to explain everything "ok so here this is a x-ray of your ankle, you have fractured it in 3 different areas, as you can see here, that would explain the immediate swelling and bruising. Ankles are one of the slowest bones to heal because it's a joint and when you stand or walk that's where all your weight goes. It's very possible with this severe of a brake that it will not fully heal, without surgery. We can do surgery on it, but that does mean longer recovery time but you do have a higher chance of completing healing. If you decide to do no surgery there is a 70% chance that your ankle will fully heal. With surgery it's a 97%. Very rare for it to not heal completely when you get surgery. Your an athlete correct?" I nodd.

"I have a scholarship to ucla next year for soccer, that's how all this happened." I say to the doctor. "A lot of people decide no surgery because of  insurance and financial issues, the surgery is quite expensive it's 25 thousand dollars. If you can afford it, my professional opinion is to get the surgery especially since your an athlete." I was in shock that my ankle was this bad.

The doctor continued to say "moving on from your ankle, you have a broken rib, that would be the cause of all the pain to move beds and stuff like that, there really isn't much we can do except give it time and it will heal on its own. Also from the looks of it your nose isn't broken and that's a good sign. I'll give you time to figure out what you want to do." Then the doctor left and it was just me and Dixie.

I think Dixie was in shock, how couldn't she be. "I'll be alright baby, but I want the surgery, I can't only pray and hope for the best that it heals completely. I'm an athlete and I want to be fully healed for next soccer season, that's when coaches for pro teams look." I say to her. "I'll support you no matter what I just want you to be okay" Dixie said to me and she bent over and kissed me. "I love you, you had me so worried" she said while chuckling. "Ehh I'm a tuff guy" I say laughing. It hurt to laugh because of my broken rib but I didn't complain.


Noah's POV: the doctor came back into my room. "Have you made a decision yet?" The doctor asked me. "Yeah, I'm going to go ahead with the surgery, I'm an athlete, I need this to be healed." I said. The doctor nodded and said "ok, we are going to have to do the surgery soon, hopefully within the next day, but I will need you to sign consent forms, there are risks from the surgery, every surgery there is risks and complications can occur. But from your health card you are 17, and you need a legal guardian to sign the consent forms to go forward with the surgery." I was shocked.

My parents and siblings are on the other side of the world. How am I going to get them to sign these consent forms in time. Dixie looked at me worryingly knowing that my parents left me a lone for months straight under the age of 18. Dixie's dad, it's different he comes back every other week and stays for a week. My parents don't do that they are going around the world for beck law firm. My parents will do anything for me, they gave me a great childhood. I knew that money was not the issue here, my parents will pay for any medical bills. I need them to sign a consent form and right now they are in Spain.

"My parents are not in Los Angeles. They are in Spain so I don't know how I'm supposed to get them to sign this consent form." I said I didn't know how the doctor was going to react. "How long have they been in Spain?" The doctor questioned me I started to get nervous. "They haven't been there long, they have been travelling for work." I said. "Any siblings over the age of 18 that are here in la?" She asked me. "They aren't in la either." I said my hands were sweating.

"Then where have you been staying if nobody from your family is home?" The doctor asked I was getting nervous but then Dixie said "he has been staying with me and my dad until his parents get back." The doctor nodded and said "well you need this surgery if you want a higher chance of a full recovery, and the sooner the better, in these types of situations we can do verbal consent, we just need proof that the person you are talking to is actually your legal guardian and then we can proceed with the surgery." I nodded my head.

"I'll be back in a few hours to let you know of the risks of the surgery, and at that time we can get the verbal consent." I nodded my head as the doctor was speaking to me. Then she left and shut the door "Baby we need to call my parents and let them know I'm in the hospital." I said to Dixie, she nodded and grabbed my phone and FaceTimed my parents for me, she held the phone as I talked to them. I explained everything that happened and they said they will cover all the coasts and when I call them later they will give the verbal consent.

Dixie POV : l was nervous. The love of my life was going into surgery. The doctor came back a few hours later and started telling us the risks I was holding Noah's hand. She said that there is always a risk of infection, the ankle not healing completely and any complications that could happen, then she dropped a bomb and said death. She said that any time you go under there is always a chance of death but she said it's very slim. Especially since that they are not doing a surgery on any organs. I couldn't imagine my life without Noah.

His mom gave verbal consent and now they were about to wheel him into surgery. "I love you so much, once we get passed this we will both go to ucla and continue our love story. I love you so much more then you will ever know." I tell Noah I was scared. "I love you so so so much baby, if I die take care of scout, he loves you and you can keep anything of mine that you want, I will never stop loving you" he tells me I could tell Noah was nervous too. "Please don't say your going to die because your not." I tell him he nods his head. We share one of the most passionate kisses we've ever had, I gave him a big hug not trying to hurt him. The doctors wheel him down to the operation room. Then I was told to wait in the waiting room until the surgery is done and that's what I did. My leg was shaking I was so nervous.

Authors POV: last one for tonight! What will happen when Noah gets out of surgery? Anyways sorry for the cliffhanger, hope you enjoyed!

Word count: 1806

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