Chapter 24

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Dixies POV: I was pacing around the waiting room. Charli, Addison, Bryce and chase came to the hospital. I think Noah is in so much shock right now, I don't think he'll be able to play for the rest of the season and that will break his heart. They told me that a bone in his ankle just shattered into a bunch of pieces. I have no idea what to recovery time for something like that is going to take. I just don't want to see him in pain, but I know he will be when the doctors tell him he can't play soccer for a while. The recovery time for that could take 6 months, maybe longer, maybe shorter. There's even a chance it might not heal completely and he could never be able to play soccer again.

I went in sat in the corner of the waiting room. He has been in surgery for about 4 hours now. I can't remember the last time I hate something. I couldn't eat, I couldn't eat not knowing if Noah was ok. Noah turned my life upside down and changed it for the better. I got my anxiety, depression, PNES, and my personality back. I got it all under control and he helped me through it. Noah screaming just replaying and replying in my head. I've never heard him scream like that, it felt like a nightmare.

"Is there a Dixie D'Amelio here?" I heard a doctor say. I shot up and ran over to her. "Yes, yes that's me, is Noah ok?" I was so worried they were going to say he isn't ok. "He just got out of surgery about an hour ago, he is doing well, we are hoping for a full recovery." The doctor said. "When can I see him?" I asked. "You can see him now but I should warn you before you go in there, when he wakes up he will probably be in a lot of pain, he is on medication to help it but he will probably still be in a lot of pain, the ankle he broke is currently in a cast that goes up to the middle of his thigh, it's a pretty big cast but it needs to be that way to support his ankle since the break was so severe. There is more but we should talk about that when he wakes up." I nodded my head and followed the doctor. I just wanted to see Noah.

I walk in there and he's still asleep. I didn't like seeing all the iv's in his arm, but I wanted him to get better. I pull up a chair and sit beside his bead and hold his hand. I didn't want to leave him again. I missed my up baby and I know these next few months are going to be rough, but we will get through it. I will help him get through it. I know he is going to need me more then ever, and I will be there for him.

I was looking and watching him sleep. It was nice not seeing him in pain, but once he wakes up he will be. I was holding Noah's hand, I refused to let go, I would kiss his hand every once in a while. Believe it or not Noah hates needles, I mean almost everyone does. He acts like a child when he has to get one, but he's cute. I slowly see Noah start to wake. His grip tightens around my hand. I look up and Noah is opening his eyes. "Omg Noah, how are you feeling?" I said to Noah. "Better that your here." Noah said to me. I smiled then went over to him and bent down and kissed him. "Baby don't try to move you don't want to make anything worse, let me go get the doctors." He nodded then I left the room to go get the doctors.

Noah's POV: I see Dixie come inside my room with the doctors. I was in pain I'll tell you that. The doctor looked at me and said "so how are you feeling? Any pain?" I nodded it hurt to talk. The doctor checks all my vitals and says to me "you can go home everything looks to be fine. If your in pain take Advil, your foot will probably hurt and swell in the cast but that will go away in a week or too. Keep your leg elevated as much as possible. We have a brace here for you that you can wear when you are not sitting. Also do not try to put any weight on your broken foot, it will only make it worse. For apart from showering, you can do a sponge bath, that would probably be the easiest, do not get your cast wet. Absolutely no physical activity and no sexual activity. Your next appointment is in 2 weeks to make sure everything is healing in the right direction, I think your rib should be healed in the next 3ish weeks it's not that severe at all"

Dixie's POV: the doctors finally got Noah in the car. Bryce, Addison, Charli and chase all went home. Noah was very tired and I figured they could just come see him tomorrow. Chase said he was going to help Noah go up the stairs into his bedroom. I think I turned his bedroom into a hospital room.

Noah's POV: "Babyyyyy my ankle hurts so bad" I said to Dixie I was on the verge of tears. This cast was huge. "I know handsome but it hasn't been 6 hours yet, so you can't take anymore Advil. I'm sorry I don't like seeing you sad" Dixie said to me while kissing my cheek. It was hard to find a comfortable cuddling position because of my broken ankle and rib. I have to stay flat on my back even when I sleep and that's going to suck. Right now I just leaned my head on Dixie's chest and she was playing with my hair. Dixie helped me get ready for bed. I hated not being able to do anything on my own. I can't even switch my shirt without help. I'm so sad that I can't play soccer for probably the rest of the season. All because of Owen. I was so sad and mad at the same time. Slowly I fell asleep with my head on Dixie's chest.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. I will be going back to my normal schedule. (1-3 chapters per day)

Word count: 1101

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