Chapter 8

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Noah's POV: I was looking Dixie in the eyes, and she was looking me in the eyes then she leaned in first then I leaned in after and we kissed. Fireworks went off, I have never had a kiss that felt as magical as this. I could see her smiling through the kiss and I was too. I just kissed the love of my life and she doesn't even know that she is the love of my life.

We pulled apart and hugged for a very long time. I could feel her breathing into my neck, one of the best things I have ever felt in my entire life. I had so many butterflies in my stomach, the good kind. She looks up at me and kisses me again. Was I shocked? Absolutely. But I love this girl and I'm so happy that she is finally seeing me for who I am.

Dixie POV: I just did something that I thought I told my self I would never do. I kissed him twice. I honestly don't regret it at all. He seams like a really nice guy and after the absolute best kiss I've ever had I definitely have feelings for him.

I think I should tell him but I'm nervous because I've never expressed my feeling to any guy before. I made the first move. Noah beck has my heart and I'm not complaining. I go and hug him again and I say to him "I like you too Noah, I may have hated you before but I'm willing to give you a second chance!" His face lit up and honestly he made me forget all my worries.

Noah POV: Dixie just told me that she likes me, I never thought I would hear those words come out of her mouth. I am definitely not going to fuck this up. I am going to talk to the guys and tell them not to pick on her anymore and if they do I will defend her.

I messed up in the past and I'm not going to let it happen again. As I hugged her even tighter, I didn't want to let her go. I could feel her breathing change and her eyes slowly close. She fell asleep in my arms. I can't decide if I want to just stay here or bring her up to her bedroom.

I think Dixie deserves the best quality sleep so I carefully picked her up and brought her up to her bedroom. I knew where her room was because we have a pretty similar layout of our houses. I laid her down on the bed then I realized that she still had makeup on and she is wearing jeans and a top and that doesn't sound very comfortable to sleep in.

I always heard my sisters say that when they leave there makeup on overnight they breakout, and I'm assuming that's a bad thing but I wouldn't know. I go into her bathroom and search for the makeup wipes. I finally found them. I go and sit next to her and take one out and carefully wipe her face trying not to wake her or hurt her.

I have never done this before so I hope I'm doing it correctly. I didn't know if she would feel comfortable with me changing her clothes. I wanted to respect her privacy. So I decided not to because I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable. I wrote her a not and left it on her nightstand.

The note:

Hey Dix,
I brought you up to your room last night after we kissed because you fell asleep in my arms. Just letting you know that I took off your makeup for you. I didn't change your clothes because I didn't want to overstep or make you uncomfortable. I hope you had a good nights rest. And don't forget that you are the most beautiful girl on planet earth and don't think otherwise. I'll see you tomorrow at school!

-Noah <3

Dixie's POV: I woke up in my room, I didn't know how I got there but I was there. I was still in the clothes I wore last night and I look over at my nightstand to get my phone. I see a note right beside my phone and I read it. It was probably the most sweetest thing someone has ever done for me.

He even took off my makeup. I seriously think he really is changing. He told me I'm beautiful I honestly feel like I'm in a dream. I feel that Noah and I have a very special connection and I think I'm in love with him. He could've just left me asleep on the porch swing.

I opened up to him about some of my past. For not even dating I definitely opened up to him and honestly I trust him. I look outside my window  and see him asleep in his bed. He looks so peaceful. I love Noah beck. I just hope that things don't get awkward at school.

I mean I do have to tutor him today so we will see how that goes but for now I could just watch him sleep all day. But I can't I have to get up and get ready for school. I guess I'll see Noah at school today.

Authors note: ahhhh they kissed! What do you guys think so far? Let me know!

Word count: 916

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