Chapter 28

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Noah's POV: I followed Dixie to the bathroom, then locked the door behind me. I watch Dixie turn on the shower water, then she slowly starts to undress her self. I take of my shirt, them go and grab us some clean towels. I walk back in the bathroom and Dixie has nothing on except for her bra. "Baby can you help me I can't get the clip" Dixie says to me struggling to unclip her bra. "Sure" I say to Dixie then I unclip her bra and it falls down her arms.

Dixie quickly hops into the shower and I get undressed and get in the shower. I just go in and hug her. Her head was in my chest. I just love being in her arms. I know I can look clingy, I swear I'm not, okay maybe I can be a little bit clingy. I just love my girlfriend. It's my job to make her feel loved, it's my job to tell her how perfect and beautiful she is multiple times a day, it's my job to hug her, cuddle her, kiss her.

Dixie POV: Noah was in the shower with me. He is so hot how did I get so lucky. We were just hugging in the shower, nothing sexual. I'm honestly pissed though because I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow, just great. I have all the symptoms, I've had a bad headache and my back is killing me, sore boobs, and terrible cramps.

I wanted to enjoy my vacation period free but Mother Nature said no not today bitch. The first 2 days I just try to avoid swimming because those are my heaviest days. I really didn't feel like washing my body. I also had my wonderful boyfriend in the shower with me. So I asked him "baby my back hurts and my tummy has been killing me all day can you wash me, I don't have to energy to do it myself" I took a pause then said "also be extra gentle because everything hurts" "ok baby, tell me if I hurt you" Noah said to me. He is the sweetest guy alive, and I know he would never judge me.

Noah's POV: Dixie asked me to wash her. She said her back has been hurting her. I feel so bad because I know this means that she is probably going to start her period soon. I feel bad that she has to go through this for a week every single month. On top of that it causes her a lot of pain. I'm just here to do the best I can to make her feel better. I decided that I'm going to use my hand so I can be more gentle. I get soap in my hands then rub them together. I start off on Dixies back, then move to her neck and shoulders. I also go it bit more on her slower back hip area. Then I wash her lower stomach and massage it a bit. She tells me it makes it feel better. Then I wash up her stomach but go extra gentle around her boobs because she told me when she's on her period they hurt the most out of everything. I go back down to wash her legs.

After I finish o go and give her a kiss. I see that she is watching me do all this. I went and got the shaving cream, and shaved her legs for her. I went very slow not trying to hurt her. I don't mind her body hair, it won't change my opinion about her but I know that she likes to shave it and I figured I could save her the pain and do it for her. "Thank you bubba can you do my hair please" Dixie said to me. She didn't even have to ask I was going to do it anyways. I go and grab her shampoo and start massaging her scalp. I finish washing her hair then I wash myself. I get out of the shower first and wrap a towel around my waist. I help Dixie out making sure she doesn't slip then I wrap a towel around her. Dixie is just so precious.

I get dressed first then I go and help Dixie get dressed. I know when she is on her period she gets hot and sweaty easily and she says she doesn't like it. So I just put her in a sports bra and Nike pro shorts. She looks hot. I brush out her hair for her. I try to be the best boyfriend possible. We both get into bed cuddling. Her head was deep into my chest and I was playing with her hair. I was giving her lost of sweet innocent kisses. I love kissing her. We both fall asleep tangled in each others arms. The best way to fall asleep. I'm super excited to see what tomorrow brings us, our first day in the Bahamas!

Authors note: this chapter was a fluffy sweet chapter! Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if there is anything you want me to include in the story! This will probably be the last one for tonight, but definitely more tomorrow!

Word count: 880

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