Chapter 17

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Background information: Dixie's dad got an international job which means he has to go to different countries for work. He still talks to Dixie and Charli every single day. Noah's parents went back to Arizona because they are working on the beck law firm. They still keep in contact with Noah, Tatum and Haley.

Dixie's POV: this morning I woke up with really bad stomach cramps, and I'm supposed to get my period today. Just great, because Noah wanted to go to the beach later today. I have a fear of using tampons so I only use pads. I'm scared that it's going to hurt to put in a tampon, and I think pads are just easier. I don't know how I'm supposed to tell Noah about my period. I don't think that I've actually talked to him about it. I don't want him to think I'm gross or anything.

I look outside my window and see my super hot boyfriend sleeping, I just want his cuddles. I had no energy to get out of bed. I took some pain killers but they don't help much. I laid in bed watching Netflix. I was also angry since it was Sunday and that means tomorrow is school and the heaviest day of my period is going to be tomorrow.

Just what I need. I haven't started it yet but I have a bad headache, cramps, back pain, really sore boobs, and I broke out yesterday. All the signs I get when my period is about to come. My boobs hurt so bad, more then usual. I just wanted to die.

Noah's POV: it was Sunday morning and all what I wanted was cuddles from Dixie. Today is the only day of the week I don't have early morning soccer practice. I look out my window and see Dixie in bed probably watching Netflix. I sent her a good morning text and I told her that I'll be over in 10 minutes.

I quickly brushed my hair and teeth and got changed into sweats and a sweat shirt and headed over to Dixie's. I walk in and go up to her room and see her in her bed watching Netflix. "Hi baby!" I say to her while getting into her bed. "Hi handsome, I missed you." Dixie said while cuddling up to me. "I missed you too" I said to her while kissing her.

Dixie's POV: Noah and I both fell asleep cuddling each other. I wake up and see that I started my period and leaked on my sheets. Thank god I didn't get any blood on Noah. That would be super embarrassing then it already is. Noah is still asleep and I don't want to wake him up. I'm trying to get out of his grip to go to the bathroom. "Babyyyyyy come backkkkk" Noah whines.

"I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right back." I go to the bathroom and change my pants and get cleaned up. My stomach really hurt. I get back into bed forgetting that I bled through my sheets earlier. I think Noah heard me moaning and groaning in pain. It felt like someone was stabbing me. "Babe are you ok?" Noah asks me. "No my tummy hurts really bad." I tell Noah while whining.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Noah asked me. "No, nothing works, I've already taken Advil and it doesn't help." I say to him kind of getting angry. When I'm on my period my moods can switch pretty easily and a I get annoyed and irritated much quicker. "I'm sorry baby. Get some sleep maybe you will feel better when you wake up." Noah told me.

Noah spooned me and he was rubbing his hand in circular motion on my stomach and it made me feel a lot better. I don't know how far I can take this without telling him. I think we both fell asleep again. It was now around noon. I feel a gush of blood drip down my leg and I quickly get up and run to the bathroom. I start crying in bathroom because I don't know what to do.

Noah's POV: I hear Dixie get up and run to the bathroom. Then I hear Dixie start crying, I get up and walk towards the door and nock on it. "Dixie, baby can you let me in?" I asked her. I just want to help her. "N-no" I hear Dixie say through her sobs.

"Please bubba I just want to help you, I promise I won't judge you." I see Dixie un lock the bathroom door and she runs in my arms and starts sobbing. "Shhhhhh, babe can you tell me what's wrong so I can make it better?" I ask Dixie she just continues to cry. I feel so bad and I don't even know what's wrong, I can just tell she's in a lot of pain.

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