Chapter 11

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Noah's POV: It was Friday morning and today was the day that Dixie was coming to watch me play soccer. I was beyond excited. She said that she would even come to the after party with me. I got up and quickly got changed and drove to school. I just know that this school day is going to go by so slow.

When I got there I saw Dixie at her locker, so I walked up to her. "Hey, what's up?" I asked her. " Nothing, just reviewing my notes." She told me. Then the bell rang today we didn't have any classes together so I was sad about that but I could see her at lunch time. We both parted ways and walked to our classes.


Dixie's POV: It was lunch time and I was sitting with Charli, Chase, Addison and Bryce. I saw Noah walk through the cafeteria doors. He was looking around. I waved at him to come sit with us. He was walking towards me and went and sat down. I saw all the guys at the "soccer table" give him dirty looks, it seemed that he noticed but didn't seem to care. I just know this soccer game is going to be interesting because they all really aren't on good terms right now.

I feel like it's because of me and I don't want to be in the middle of Noah's friendships. Charli, chase, Addison, Bryce and I were all talking. Noah and I were sitting beside each other. All the "soccer guys" came up behind me and dumped red slushies all over me. They purposely did it to me not Noah because I think there scared of Noah. All my clothes were ruined. It was in my hair too. The whole school was laughing at me. I felt so embarrassed.

Noah's POV: I was not happy about what the guys did to Dixie. I would much rather them do it to me. I wasn't going to let the whole school laugh at her because that is what's happening right now. I asked her if she was okay she didn't answer, she looked hurt.

I stood up on top of the cafeteria table everyone went silent I said "the shows over, there's nothing to look at here, you all can go back to eating your lunch. How would you all like it if someone dumped slushies all over you in front of the whole entire school, then everyone starts laughing at you? I know damn well you all wouldn't like it. Nobody deserves to have that happened to them." I said then took a pause then I looked straight at Josh, Jaden, and Blake and said " and you guys, this just shows how immature you are, was that really necessary? To ruin someone's clothes, to make them feel embarrassed, to make them upset and ruin their day? For what? How does this benefit you guys? Honestly I don't really think this benefits you guys at all. Your their laughing at Dixie but if someone did that to you I know damn well you wouldn't like it. Dixie didn't deserve this, nobody does. I thought you guys were better then that, I guess I was wrong." I said to them then I jumped off the table grabbed Dixie's hand and walked out of the cafeteria.

Dixie POV: Did Noah really just stood up for me in front of the whole entire school. I'm impressed honestly. Noah grabbed my hand and walked out of the cafeteria with me. I was on the verge of tears.

I didn't want to cry in front of Noah especially over something like this. It was all in my hair, my clothes, even in my shoes. "Where are you taking me" I asked him. "Home, you should shower and get a new change of clothes." Noah said to me. I said "but I'm going to ruin the seats in your car." "It's fine you can just sit on my hoodie, and don't you dare say that it's going to ruin my hoodie because I could care less if it does." Noah said to me.

I chuckled and we got in his car and Noah drove me home. "You can wait in my room until I'm done if you want" I said to Noah. He nodded and we both walked upstairs. He sat down on my bed and looked around my room, last time he saw it, it was filled with a bunch of boxes but I put everything up now so it actually looks like a bedroom.

"Nice room" he said to me. "Thanks" I said I quickly grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and walked towards the bathroom and said "I'll be quick" he nodded then I locked the bathroom door.

Noah's POV: I was sitting on Dixie's bed looking around her bedroom. She had a lot of books, photos. It was a white room with light pink. It seems like her personality. She had a bean bag chair too, I love those things. She had a lot of pictures around her room. I noticed one that looked like one with her mom, dad and Charli. I have never really actually met her dad before but he seems like a nice guy. I know our parents have talked before.

I didn't want to be a snoop in her room so I just sat on her bed on my phone. But it looks like she likes to write stuff because she had a lot of journals. I did not look through them though because I wanna respect her privacy. About 20 minutes later Dixie walked out of the bathroom in a new change of clothes and she jumped on the bed beside me. "What do you want to do?" She asked me. " we can watch a movie if you want?" I suggested. She insisted we watched cat in the hat. So that's what we watched. After the movie was over I told her I had to get going because I have to start getting ready for my soccer game. She told me that she will meet me there and I also gave her one of my jerseys.

Authors note: hey! What do you guys think is going to happen at the soccer game? I hope you guys liked this chapter!

Word count: 1068

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