Chapter 8

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"Alright Well I look forward to training you. How about you stay for the rest of the class and get used to things for the free period?" Aizawa asked me.
I looked at Nezu who smiled approvingly and I smiled back "Ok I want stay."
Aizawa nodded and climbed into his sleeping bag which I thought looked funny and Nezu left back to his office, Not before giving the class a death stare.
Kachan came up to me and hugged me "Now we can train to be hero's together" I smiled at him and laughed.
"I excited" he chuckled and led me to his desk, he sat down and put me in his lap with his hands around my waist, I blushed like crazy and smiled a little.
Kirishima and Mina came over to join us "Hey hun I can't wait to see your Animal quirk" Mina said wriggling her eyebrows.
I giggled and nodded my head "Yeah Midobro it sounds like a cool power"
"Thank you Kiri, your power cool" I said putting my fists together to mimic Kirishima. The class either 'awwed' at me or laughed because I looked funny.
"Nice impression my man" Kaminari said coming from the other side of the classroom I snapped my head in his direction and smiled.
I jumped off Kachan and ran to him "Kamiiiiiii" I hugged him when I was close enough causing him to stumble back a little.
"ooofff jeez careful Zuku" he said laughing I looked up and giggled.
I pulled his sleeve and led him back to the others, when we got there Mina and Kiri were giggling and Kachan looked mad he pulled my hand which made me yelp.
I was back on his lap and he whispered in my ear "Don't get so excited over someone else when I'm right here" I blushed and nodded my head.
He smirked at me and he looked so hot, why does he have to tease me?
For the rest of the period Kachan wouldn't let me out of his grip I didn't really mind though, Actually I liked that Kachan was protective of me.
Towards the end of the class Uraraka made her way over to our group the class went silent wondering how i would react to someone I clearly don't like.
"Umm.. Midoriya-kun may I ask you something?" I hesitantly nodded and wrapped my arm around Kachan’s neck with my right hand.
He smiled at me and rubbed my waist reassuringly "Well I think your........ really cool and strong........ and I was wondering if you would......... go on a date with me?"
I felt Kachan's hold get tighter at what she said and the whole class was looking at me for the answer.

I don't like attention but there's no point lying so I just said my true feelings.
"Sorry no, I like Kachan" I heard a lot of gasps and my three friends smiled, I mean I never hid the fact i like him.
Kachan let out a shaky breath of relief and hugged me tighter, "Well Bakugo is mean....... and rude so....... can you at least give me a chance?"
I heard Kachan growl and i stroked his hair "My Kachan amazing" I said pulling Kachan closer to me.
I then pointed at her and said in a low voice "You're mean bitch."
The class started laughing and I spoke again "I’m gay, if I date girls it be Mina" I stuck my tongue out and Mina giggled.
Kachan stood up and wrapped his arms around me while I blushed he had his scary face on and said "You heard him floaty bitch, he's mine"
He left the class with me still in his arms red as a tomato and took us to the dorm room. He placed me on his bed and knelt down in front of me so we were face to face.
"Izu, I didn't say anything because i didn't want to overwhelm you but........ I really like you and was wondering.......will you go on a date with me?"
I stared at him shocked and happy, I think he expected me say yes but he still looked a little nervous, 'cute' I thought to myself.
I jumped on him with my hands around his neck which made us tumble onto the floor, I giggled and looked at Kachan.
"Yes I want date" he chuckled and sat us up with me in between his legs. "Good we'll go on the weekend" he kissed my nose and I smiled.
I can't believe I'm going on a date with Kachan.
______ Meanwhile with class 1A _______
Everyone was in complete shock that THE Katsuki Bakugou had basically told everyone that he wanted the boy for himself.
They were also amused that Uraraka had gone red with anger and stormed out the classroom cursing under her breath.
818 words

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