Chapter 40

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I woke up after sleeping for about an hour to see the boys all still sleeping and my dad sitting on a chair next to us.

He looked up and noticed I was awake and smiled at me I smiled back sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

I climbed off the bed being careful not to wake anyone up and sleepily sat on Dads lap leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Did you sleep well?" Dad asked fixing my hair a little, I smiled and nodded my head still not fully awake yet. "Do you guys always sleep together?"

I glanced at the boys sleeping on the bed and smiled "Yeah, it's really comfortable" Dad nodded slightly and then looked at me.

"Izuku, you can tell me anything you know? I would never feel differently towards you, your my son and nothing will ever change that"

I looked up at him and I could see in his eyes that he already knew about me liking all of the guys on the bed, I felt tears in my eyes and hugged Dad sobbing into his chest.

Dad rubbed circles on my back and whispered how much he loves me into my ear, after I calmed down I wiped my tears and looked at Dad in the eyes.

"I really like them Dad, Kachan does too. We think they feel the same" Dad smiled at me, a genuine smile as he hugged me tighter.

"I can tell they like you Izuku, they were all terrified when you were screaming in pain. I'm proud of you for telling me about it"

I giggled and punched him playfully on his shoulder "You already knew though right? You heard mine and Mic's conversation"

He looked away blushing slightly and mumbled a few sentences I couldn't understand "He really likes you Dad, and I can see how much you care about him.

You should go for it Mic is an amazing guy and I like him" He ruffled my hair as he laughed "I'm not talking about this with you Izuku" I giggled and pushed his hand off my head.

I must have laughed too loud because Kachan, Kaminari and Kirishima started to wake up, they panicked slightly when they couldn't see me.

When they noticed me sitting on Dads lap they all sighed in relief and smiled at me "Good morning sleeping beauties" I said with a cheeky grin.

Kami blushed and had a small smile on his face as he greeted me with a small "Hello Zuku" Kachan rolled his eyes and walked over to place a small kiss on my head.

"Did you sleep well love? Hey Aizawa" Dad gave a nod to Kachan as a hello while I smiled at Kachan "I slept good thanks"

"That's good then" Kiri gave me his big goofy smile causing me to giggle, Dad coughed to get our attention.

We all looked at him curiously "Izuku can come back to the dorms now but he wont be going to school tomorrow so he can rest

You can all stay with him and make sure he is ok and make sure he eats" the boys looked really happy and I smiled hugging Dad and then joining the other three in a group hug.

"Yay sleepover" I yelled punching the air and jumping up and down, Kami giggled and joined me in jumping around while Kachan and Kiri laughed at us.

Dad walked with us back to the dorm and went straight to his office to do some "school work" when I know he was probably planning his date.

When we entered the common room we were bombarded with questions from all of the class, luckily Kachan told them all to "Fuck off"

We told everyone what happened and that I was perfectly fine, after that we all went to my room together to hang out.

When I unlocked the door I lay on the bed like a starfish and groaned loudly "I'm exhausted" Kachan closed and locked the door as they all made their way to sit on the bed with me.

"I'm not surprised, a lots happened the last 24 hours" Kiri said stroking my hair, I smiled up and him and flipped myself around so that my head was resting on his lap.

I wrapped my arms around his waist nuzzling into him and smiling "Your warm" I felt him chuckle as he bent down to kiss my cheek.

"How about we all go have a shower in the washroom and come back and watch a movie?" Kami squealed in excitement waiting for our answers.

I giggled and sat up pinching his cheeks "Your so cute, alright lets go then" I jumped off the bed leaving Kami there to blush and I grabbed some towels.

I got a change of clothes for Kami and I while Kachan got some clothes for him and Kiri, we all made our way to the showers.

Kiri and Kami went in first and put all of their clothes in the locker while Kachan and I made sure nobody else was here and looked the door after we closed it

We put our clothes away and walked towards the showers where the others were and we started one up and started to clean ourselves.

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