Chapter 36

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The next time I woke up I was feeling extremely drowsy and sluggish, I used all of my energy to look around the room.

I was laying on a small bed in Recovery girls office with wires In my arms, Dad was sat In a chair next to me while holding my hand.

I noticed Kiri, Kachan and Kami were all asleep on the chairs next to the window, I gave my Dads hand a light squeeze and his head shot up to look at me.

His eyes went wide and filled with tears "Izuku thank god, don't scare me like that problem child" he rubbed his eyes trying to go back to his usual cold face.

I smiled weakly at him "Sorry Dad but I'm ok, I don't know what happened though. It was really painful" Dad gave me a sorrowful look and rubbed the back of my hand gently.

"We spoke to your family and told them what happened, they're on their way here as we speak" I gasped and tried to sit up but was too weak for now.

"Really? There coming?" he gave me a nod and a small smile, I felt tears streaming down my face and landing on the pillow.

'Finally, I'm really going to see them' Dad leaned over and hugged me as I sobbed into his neck, I was so happy I'd get to see them again after so long.

After I calmed down I noticed Kachan stirring in his sleep causing Kiri and Kami to also start stirring, Kachan opened his eyes first and yawned.

He turned his head and instantly shot out of the chair and came rushing over to me when he noticed me smiling at him with my eyes open.

"OH MY GOD IZUKU, you scared the crap out of me you idiot" he whisper the last part as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

I giggled at him as he released me and pecked his lips "Sorry" he sighed resting his head on mine with his eyes closed "I love you Izu"

I smiled and Kachan helped me sit up, it was difficult at first but I'm feeling more awake now. Kiri and Kami both sat up rubbing the sleep out of their eyes.

Kami was the first to realise I was awake and started crying, he came rushing over and fell on top of me as he sobbed into my chest about how scared he was and that he thought I was dying.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere" I gently ran my hands through his hair as he lifted his head to look at me, I wiped away his tears as he sniffled.

"Don't cry you'll ruin your pretty face" he blushed and I kissed his forehead as he got off me so that he was standing on next to the bed.

Kiri had made his way to the other side of the bed holding my hand in his "It's good to finally see you awake again"

He kissed my hand while I blushed "How long was I out?" They all looked at me a little worried but smiled again making my anxiety decrease.

"Just through the night and now its 2pm" Dad answered, I sighed and furrowed my brows as I thought to myself.

'But what was that pain? It was so bad, it was like I was being melted from the inside out. It was like someone was stabbing me over and over again'

"What's wrong Love?" I looked at Kachan who was sitting by my legs rubbing my thigh reassuringly while Kiri and Kami held onto my hands.

"What happened to me? I was fine but then I was in so much pain" the all looked at Dad who nodded I'm guessing he was giving them permission to tell me.

"You were hit by someone's quirk" Kiri stated smiling sadly at me. "We think it must have happened when we were at the Amusement park"

I nodded at him while he told me what happened "But why did someone use a quirk on me? And how? surely I would have noticed"

Kachan shook his head no and enlightened me to how and why it happened "The guy who did it was part of the League before they disbanded.

We're pretty sure he did it to get back at them for kicking him out and forgetting about the plans to kill the hero's.

The pros caught him and have him in custody we just need to wait for the police to question him" it took me a while to take in what he said.

"Wow so that's why huh? But what was the pain I felt did he do something to me?" I slightly panicked but Kami kissed my head and whispered calm words to me.

Kiri and Kachan smiled at me and I calmed down so that my Dad could talk "He only made you feel pain nothing else.

Once you're feeling better you should be fine to go back to school and your normal daily routine"

I sighed in relief and smiled at them all, Dads phone started ringing and he answered it. He looked bored as usual but when he hung up he turned to face me.

He smirked and I tilted my head confused "You have some visitors" I gasped knowing who he was talking about instantly.

I nodded telling him I was ready to see them and he left, the boys all moved to one side of the bed while we waited for my family to come in.

935 words

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